Releases: emilkowalski/sonner
What's Changed
- fix: flush sync error by @emilkowalski in #586
- fix: allow users to select text after swipe gesture by @emilkowalski in #587
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
Mostly bug fixes, see more at
What's Changed
- sonner v2.0 by @emilkowalski in #558
Full Changelog: v.2.0.0-beta.1...v2.0.0
You can try the beta version by installing Sonner like this:
pnpm add sonner@2.0.0-beta.3
What's Changed
- chore: remove deprecated props by @emilkowalski in #577
- feat: drag damping by @emilkowalski in #578
- Enhance Promise to support ExternalToast propertiesfeat: Promise enhancement to allow ExternalToast props by @diegotraid in #547
- fix: make promises work with new Error by @emilkowalski in #579
- chore: Hide the close button when toastType is loading by @ynng3 in #516
- fix close button aria labels by @mirorauhala in #490
- fix: error promise test by @emilkowalski in #580
New Contributors
- @diegotraid made their first contribution in #547
- @ynng3 made their first contribution in #516
- @mirorauhala made their first contribution in #490
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.2...v2.0.0-beta.3
You can try the beta version by installing Sonner like this:
pnpm add sonner@2.0.0-beta.2
What's Changed
- chore: update toast lifetime by @emilkowalski in #570
- build: use bunchee by @huozhi in #561
- fix: failing tests by @emilkowalski in #572
- fix: unstyled prop not being applied to all elements by @emilkowalski in #573
- fix: inability to remove a toast that has just been created by @emilkowalski in #574
- fix: close button background is transparent by @emilkowalski in #575
- chore: bring back lift on hover by @emilkowalski in #576
Full Changelog: v.2.0.0-beta.1...v2.0.0-beta.2
Beta of version 2.0
No real breaking changes, mostly bug fixes. Run the command bellow if you want to try it out.
pnpm add sonner@2.0.0-beta.1
I have also updated the styling docs with more information and the recommended method:
What's Changed
- fix: swallowed mouseUp event by @emilkowalski in #550
- refactor: remove unstyled prop by @emilkowalski in #557
- fix: allow toats to grow properly by @emilkowalski in #559
- chore: rename data-theme to data-sonner-theme by @emilkowalski in #560
- fix: toast removal in strict mode by @emilkowalski in #563
- refactor: maintain default styles when custom by @emilkowalski in #564
- fix: check for promise properly by @emilkowalski in #565
- chore: horizontal swiping improvements by @emilkowalski in #566
- chore: improve rich colors by @emilkowalski in #567
- chore: improve base colors by @emilkowalski in #568
- chore: remove lift interaction, decrease default gap by @emilkowalski in #569
Full Changelog: v1.7.3...v.2.0.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- fix: swipe test by @emilkowalski in #545
- fix: useSonner hook by @emilkowalski in #549
Full Changelog: v.1.7.2...v1.7.3
What's Changed
You can now customize offsets more easily & swipe to the right/left as well.
- Utilize ref in Toaster by @rostero1 in #536
- fix: dark mode for close button by @hunterrmartinn in #531
- fix: inability to update toast duration dynamically #529 by @hqw567 in #533
- fix: next build error by @emilkowalski in #538
- fix: tests by @emilkowalski in #539
- fix: hydration warning by @emilkowalski in #540
- feat: add options to configure offsets on mobile by @CHC383 in #526
- feat: enhanced offset settings by @emilkowalski in #542
- refactor: remove cn function by @emilkowalski in #543
- feat: add more swipe directions by @emilkowalski in #544
New Contributors
- @rostero1 made their first contribution in #536
- @hqw567 made their first contribution in #533
- @CHC383 made their first contribution in #526
Full Changelog: v1.7.1...v.1.7.2
New Docs
Updated docs:
What's Changed
- Fix top position swipe direction by @hunterrmartinn in #513
- fix: styles.css is not declared in package.json by @molvqingtai in #508
New Contributors
- @hunterrmartinn made their first contribution in #513
- @molvqingtai made their first contribution in #508
Full Changelog: 1.7.0...v1.7.1
What's Changed
Majority of the updates are in
- feat: improve lift animation, better swiping UX by @emilkowalski in #507
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...1.7.0
Thank you.
Thank you for using this library. This one contains a lot improvements, it also improves the animations a bit.
I released 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 right after, because I didn't build the package properly. You should use 1.6.1.
What's Changed
- Allow dismissing toasts with id = 0 by @MrFlashAccount in #442
- fix toast timer by @emilkowalski in #458
- fix: add "main" entry to package.json by @adamhenson in #457
- fix: missing exported types by @alex-mcgovern in #459
- Fix dependency array by @emilkowalski in #461
- fix: reverse left position on mobile
by @zaaakher in #453 - Allow awaiting
by @ajmnz in #462 - feat: add support for custom close icon by @alexandernanberg in #481
- update API reference for toast() by @plbstl in #471
- fix: allow React.js v19 in peerDependencies by @theoludwig in #493
- feat: allow ref forwarding for
by @freshgiammi in #491 - fix: support dark mode for safari < 14 using matchMedia().addListener by @yunsteel in #495
- feat: support show react element from react server function by @himself65 in #492
- Include styles.css in dist by @kevlened in #446
- fix: implement loader class from config by @joewinger in #489
- fix: remove repeat effect hook to resolve mix up by @Tzyito in #392
- Fix inability to prevent toast from closing on action button click by @iuriiiurevich in #484
- fix: incorrect stacking by @emilkowalski in #499
- chore: remove templates by @emilkowalski in #500
- fix: incorrect timer on hover by @emilkowalski in #501
- feat: allow to pass custom elements to title and description by @emilkowalski in #502
- fix: turn section into live region #306 by @tricinel in #436
- docs: remove important property from docs by @emilkowalski in #503
- fix: background for close button by @emilkowalski in #504
- feat: improve swiping by @emilkowalski in #505
- feat: lift the toasts when hoevered for a better feel by @emilkowalski in #506
New Contributors
- @MrFlashAccount made their first contribution in #442
- @adamhenson made their first contribution in #457
- @alex-mcgovern made their first contribution in #459
- @alexandernanberg made their first contribution in #481
- @plbstl made their first contribution in #471
- @theoludwig made their first contribution in #493
- @freshgiammi made their first contribution in #491
- @yunsteel made their first contribution in #495
- @kevlened made their first contribution in #446
- @joewinger made their first contribution in #489
- @Tzyito made their first contribution in #392
- @iuriiiurevich made their first contribution in #484
- @tricinel made their first contribution in #436
Full Changelog: v.1.5.0...v1.6.1