NFT Renting Protocol
Archived =>
: protocol core logic. It holds all the NFT deposited.ORentable.sol
: ERC721 token representing deposits (and asset ownership). Each NFT collection has a respectiveORentable
with the same token ids. It is minted on deposit and burnt on withdraw.ORentable
can contain custom logic and useRentable.proxyCall
to operate on deposited assets.WRentable.sol
: ERC721 token, wrapper of the original NFT representing the rental. Each NFT collection has a respectiveWRentable
with the same token ids. It is minted when rental starts and burnt on expiry.WRentable.ownerOf
reflects rental duration (i.e., renter losesWRentable
owerniship when rental period is over).WRentable
can contain custom logic and useRentable.proxyCall
to operate on deposited assets.ICollectionLibrary.sol
: interface to implement hooks on protocol events (e.g.,postDeposit
) for a given collection. Governance can set a Collection Library viaRentable.setLibrary
: smart wallet used by the renter, cannot withdraw the rented assets but only interact with allowed protocols/methods. Implements EIP1217 for Standard Signature Validation enabling Wallet Connect logins.WalletFactory.sol
: factory for smart wallets, used by Rentable to generate upgradeable smart wallets for users.
The following diagram shows the main components and their interactions. ERC721 NFT Collection represents a generic NFT collection (e.g., Decentraland LAND) and it is not part of Rentable.
- Rentee deposits an NFT (without listing)
- Call
safeTransferFrom(ownerAddress, rentableAddress, data)
on the NFT collection contract with empty data
- Call
- Rentee deposits and lists an NFT
- Call
safeTransferFrom(ownerAddress, rentableAddress, data)
on the NFT collection contract with RentableTypes.RentalConditions encoded in thedata
field - Rentee receives a
token representing the deposit (and asset ownership)
- Call
- Rentee changes the rental conditions of a listed NFT
- Call
on Rentable
- Call
- Rentee delists an NFT
- Call
on Rentable
- Call
- Rentee withdraws an NFT
- Call
on Rentable
- Call
- Renter rents an NFT
- Call
rent(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenId, uint256 duration)
on Rentable- if payment token is Ether, renter must pay
- if payment token is ERC20 or ERC1155, renter must have an amount equals to
and approve Rentable to transfer it
- if payment token is Ether, renter must pay
- Renter receives a
- Renter receives the original NFT in its own
(cannot withdraw, only interact on owner approved protocols/methods)
- Call
To run the project you need:
- Python 3.8 local development environment and Node.js 14.x development environment for Ganache.
- Brownie local environment setup. Install instructions.
- Foundry. Install instructions
yarn test
To use the tools that this project provides, please pull the repository from GitHub and install its dependencies as follows. You will need yarn installed. It is recommended to use a Python virtual environment.
git clone
cd rentable-protocol
yarn install --lock-file
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Choose network
- Deploy contracts (or use already deployed ones)
- Prepare your account
- Use network console
Remember to add the network to your Metamask
Run the following commands respectively and keep the session open. Network is ephemeral, when you close the command you reset it.
yarn network:testnet
Useful to interact with other protocols in mainnet via a local fork.
You need local env variables for Etherscan API and Infura (ETHERSCAN_TOKEN
Set them in .env
file following .env.example
yarn network:mainnet-fork
yarn deploy:testnet
Run the console
yarn console
and interact directly with contracts
Example: Check owner of tokenId = 4
for NFT with smart contract address 0x734f99154988a737ae7159594Ebf828eB6761645
>>> t ='0x734f99154988a737ae7159594Ebf828eB6761645')
>>> t.ownerOf(4)
yarn test
Deployer: 0xf6798a60B576658461eeFebf583C2AaECD732334
Governance: 0xC08618375bb20ac1C4BB806Baa027a4362156fE6
Operator: 0x49941c694693371894d6DCc1AbDbC91A7395b703
FeeCollector: 0xa55D576DE85dA4295aBc1E2BEa5d5c77Fe189205
ProxyAdmin: 0xdb246e57c401792Fd272314ce666f5dB07E89e67
OLogic: 0xe1ac13c21e3F1EeBF71CC0F9e74D6059AbAc7970
OBeacon: 0x31c82151B1fDD035C64EB8b4c896AFF799ca63b1
WLogic: 0x160AC61AFb9323B372FEeB157471F23984544dFb
WBeacon: 0x3Ec6fd32bb71fc288f18DCc1F2EBd6Bb00BAB25f
SimpleWalletLogic: 0x0a988B2b8B53de1B21dbE0CfFB68eB6B6664868b
SimpleWalletBeacon: 0x268bC6FC0aB22847d9DE037DcEEb8F656826EF44
WalletFactory: 0x4d0662FB57464EEf4Dc9431Bd49dF949B039836D
Rentable: 0xd766a11858c57252cC4F9978282B616C3e0bBAC4
RentableLogic: 0xAcc7E1D41f62Eb75309a28D0a3D29F09DbbC56ca
Decentraland (LAND): 0xF87E31492Faf9A91B02Ee0dEAAd50d51d56D5d4d
OLandLogic: 0xc1E572797De159155174fEfa7BC0f023649153bf
OLandBeacon: 0x3b2Fb54b9f57ad9AEB9103aF55E10905dee0d8b1
OLand: 0xcE6AC4D01d18B99BF7926a2cdFa87D03d271d3d8
WLand: 0x21Fc48317b1772997EF4753a82f7CB4A26Eb2E07
Library: 0x2B0672f10C2f6487394B5760e2E0A69ca6a4C710
Meebits: 0x7Bd29408f11D2bFC23c34f18275bBf23bB716Bc7
OMeebits: 0xBEc515aac1d601E8A1Ce7baaD493A80DaD667E33
WMeebits: 0x9A87c43c15d7ba0e4eA9B7AB9A0a0821C8777e94
LobsterDAO: 0x026224A2940bFE258D0dbE947919B62fE321F042
OLOBS: 0x4fE71Dafdd15Ef1F9308F249Bc7eaE1fd48ba828
WLOBS: 0xc0fdE9d7D28376CFEcAc37971397f01d2D9dfA59
Deployer: 0xf6798a60B576658461eeFebf583C2AaECD732334
Governance: 0xf6798a60B576658461eeFebf583C2AaECD732334
Operator: 0xf6798a60B576658461eeFebf583C2AaECD732334
FeeCollector: 0xf6798a60B576658461eeFebf583C2AaECD732334
TestNFT: 0x8fA4d7B0C204B8f03C9f037E05Cece57decE2214
OBeacon: 0x6a54CAB15d7eDF3D97af0b73E2aC9e5e430359Ed
ORentable: 0x029675B6bF1FE9bB55c8a46A18BEc30E70EdFC6e
WBeacon: 0x94ddf9510c0BE76867ebc46dFDa4509dB492B30b
WRentable: 0x9fa166996E2f1110332589f6E0f924a45fac4cAD
SimpleWalletLogic: 0x23588c541018EE522e0C9BDea7172214e61b3a66
SimpleWalletBeacon: 0x09B76511d6f91081B6b5d316BC479b41803Cf888
WalletFactory: 0x8C0F6D5AfF5B5f6731cF976C0343ACA2F0d38ddC
Rentable: 0xb8Cd02CbCc05Ac25D77F63FAbB2501Bb71f9e2BB
RentableLogic: 0x7d9ba195f29C1a0102e8daAD16091f3d79486216
ProxyAdmin: 0xA9853c327d9F695FCCA73e592Cb624d1EcB60835
For security concerns, please visit Bug Bounty.