With Emarsys SDK, you can fetch inbox messages for a user.
This library is a plug and play inbox, that you can reuse and customise to your own branding.
- Cocoapods
pod 'EmarsysInbox', :git => 'https://github.com/emartech/ios-mobile-inbox.git'
- Init EmarsysInboxController with new()
navigationController?.pushViewController(EmarsysInboxController.new(), animated: true)
You may customize the view with the static variables in EmarsysInboxConfig
EmarsysInboxConfig.bodyForegroundColor = .black
var headerBackgroundColor: UIColor?
var headerForegroundColor: UIColor?
var bodyBackgroundColor: UIColor?
var bodyForegroundColor: UIColor?
var bodyTintColor: UIColor?
var bodyHighlightTintColor: UIColor?
var activityIndicatorColor: UIColor?
var favImageOff: UIImage?
var favImageOn: UIImage?
var notOpenedViewColor: UIColor?
var defaultImage: UIImage?
var highPriorityImage: UIImage?
The iOS target should be iOS 11 or higher.
Should you have any suggestions or bug reports, please raise an Emarsys support request.
Please see our Code of Conduct for detail.
Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information.