EGO 的简化版本,去掉了很多感觉不必要的东西,跟之前的版本比有如下改动
合并了 ego-current-project-name
和 ego-default-project-name
这两个变量,目前 ego-current-project-name
的作用就是以前的 ego-default-project-name
docker run -dit --name my-apache-app -p 8080:80 -v "${STORE-DIR}":/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/ httpd:2.4
可以从 melpa 安装,或者用 git clone
下面是 emacs-china 的设置,安装好 EGO 后,将该设置写入配置即可管理 emacs-china。
CAUTION: 直接 clone emacs-china 后,需要 checkout master 和 source 后才能使用 emacs-china,否则会导致意外情况。
;; the following is only needed if you install EGO manually
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/EGO")
(require 'ego)
(ego-add-to-alist 'ego-project-config-alist
`(("emacs-china" ; 站点工程的名字
:repository-directory "~/github/" ; 站点的本地目录
:site-domain "" ; 站点的网址
:site-main-title "EMACS-CHINA" ; 站点的标题
:site-sub-title "=============>集思广益" ; 站点的副标题
:theme (default) ; 使用的主题
:summary (("years" :year :updates 10) ("authors" :authors) ("tags" :tags)) ; 导航栏的设置,有 category 和 summary 两种
:source-browse-url ("Github" "") ; 你的工程源代码所在的位置
:personal-disqus-shortname "emacs-china" ; 使用 disqus 评论功能的话,它的短名称
;; :personal-duoshuo-shortname "emacs-china" ; 使用 多说 评论功能的话,它的短名称(由于多说已经关闭,这里就此废置)
:confound-email nil ; 是否保护邮件名称呢?t 是保护,nil 是不保护,默认是保护
:ignore-file-name-regexp "" ; 有些不想发布成 html 的 org 文件(但是又想被导入 git 进行管理),可以用这种正则表达的方式排除
:store-dir "~/webRoot/" ; 本地测试的目录
;; 你可以在此添加更多的站点设置
TIP: 你可以仿照上面来设置自己的站点。
你可以通过以下方式发现 EGO 的设置方法(英文)
C-h v ego-project-config-alist C-h v ego-config-fallback
通过以下方式创建新的 Repository(也就是一个新站点了):
M-x ego-new-repository
这种方式只能进行一个初级的设置,要想让它正常工作,还是需要设置 ego-project-config-alist
M-x ego-new-post
使用以下命令可以生成当前 org 文件所对应的 html 文件,并浏览:
M-x ego-test-current-page
用以下命令生成 html 文件,并按需传送到远程端:
M-x ego-do-publication
- Which project do you want to publish?
~ 发布哪个站点? - Choose a job from the jobs below:
~ “1. Test partial publish” \ ~ “2. Partial publish” \ ~ “3. Test full publish” \ ~ “4. Full publish” \ ~ 从以下四个选项里选择一种发布方式: \ ~ “1. 增量发布测试” \ ~ “2. 增量发布” \ ~ “3. 完全发布测试” \ ~ “4. 完全发布” \ ~ 测试即意味着发布到 store-dir 文件夹下用 emacs 自带的 web server 查看,是本地的并不传送到远端。 - (when (2) is partial) Base git commit: HEAD~1 ?
~ 将哪些提交视为改变文件?(当第三项选了带了 “partial” 字符串时出现的选项,不懂得话回车即可) - Input checkin messages. (The message won’t be inputted if you have checkined before.)
~ 输入 checkin 信息,了解 git 的话应该知道 - (when (2) is not “test”) There will be some questions for “publish-config”
~ 对发布到远端的设置进行具体询问(在第二项没有 “test” 字符串时出现)
注意: 当进行没测试过的发布时,任何未经测试的内容变化都不会被发布。也即,任何内容变化在真正发布之前必须经过测试发布。
你可以在 message buffer 和 EGO OUTPUT buffer 里跟踪整个过程。
你可以使用 async.el
包来包裹 ego-do-publication
关于 async.el
包的用法可以参看这里(英文) : Async.
这里是一个例子: (你当然不能直接使用它,但是可以参考它进行自己的设置,就当是一个使用 async 的作业吧)
(require 'ego)
(require 'async)
(defun ego-async-do-publish (&optional project-name
(let* ((j (or ego--default-project-name
(completing-read "Which project do you want to publish? "
(mapcar 'car ego-project-config-alist))
nil t nil nil ego--last-project-name)))
(p (y-or-n-p "Action: [Yes] Test, [No] Tested Publish. "))
(f (y-or-n-p (format "Publish all org files of \"%s\" project? " j)))
(b (unless f (read-string "Base git commit: " "HEAD~1")))
(c (read-string "checkin message (won't show in 'git log' if you have committed all): "))
(a nil))
(list j p f b c a)))
;; set ego remote push (publish-config)
(unless test-and-not-publish
(setq ego--current-project-name project-name)
(setq ego--last-project-name project-name)
(setq publish-config
(ego--git-get-publish-config (ego--get-repository-directory)
(ego--get-config-option :repository-org-branch)
(ego--get-config-option :repository-html-branch))))
(message "See *EGO OUTPUT* buffer and *emacs* buffer for information")
`(lambda ()
;; load packages and set load-path
(setq package-user-dir ,(expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/"))
(add-to-list 'load-path ,(expand-file-name "~/github/org-mode/lisp"))
(add-to-list 'load-path ,(expand-file-name "~/github/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t))
(add-to-list 'load-path ,ego-load-directory)
;;set color-theme
(add-to-list 'load-path ,(expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/color-theme-6.6.0"))
(require 'color-theme-autoloads "color-theme-autoloads")
;; set coding-system
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(setq save-buffer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix
coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-unix)
;; pre-set ego configurations
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ego)
(setq ego-project-config-alist ',ego-project-config-alist)
;; Make EGO show svg images
(require 'ox-html)
(defun kd/org-html--format-image (source attributes info)
"Return \"img\" tag with given SOURCE and ATTRIBUTES.
SOURCE is a string specifying the location of the image.
ATTRIBUTES is a plist, as returned by
`org-export-read-attribute'. INFO is a plist used as
a communication channel."
(list :src source
:alt (if (string-match-p "^ltxpng/" source)
(org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-latex-src source))
(file-name-nondirectory source)))
(advice-add 'org-html--format-image :override #'kd/org-html--format-image)
;; without org-to-html if possible
(unless ,test-and-not-publish
(if ,base-git-commit
(setq ego--publish-without-org-to-html 1)
(setq ego--publish-without-org-to-html 2)))
;; ego-do-publication here
(ego-do-publication ,project-name
;; waiting for push remote success or just wait http-server in which case you have to close *emacs* buffer manually
(while (not ego--async-publish-success)
(sit-for 1))
;; return the result
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create ,ego--temp-buffer-name)
`(lambda (result)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create ego--temp-buffer-name)
(insert (format "*EGO output* should be :\n %s \nego-async-do-publish done!" result))))))
你可以在 emacs buffer 和 EGO OUTPUT buffer 里跟踪整个过程。
- emacs: this is an “of-course” dependency, “version >= 24.5” is required.
- org mode: v8.0 is required, please use
M-x org-version <RET>
to make sure you org mode version is not less than 8.0 - git: a free and open source version control system
- mustache.el: a mustache templating library for Emacs
- htmlize.el: a library for syntax highlighting (usually this library is shipped with emacs)
- dash.el: a modern list library for Emacs
- ht.el: a modern hash-table library for Emacs
- CAUTION when there are opened directories in the repository (which
don’t contain the repository itself),
will mess up the files in the repository. So, close all opened directories in the repository beforeego-do-publication
- [X] 不保存上一次发布的项目
- [X] 用另一个单独的目录存储html结果
- [X] 发布前先git pull同步一次上游仓库
- [X] 去掉Emacs中的静态web服务
- [ ] 根据修改的内容增量更新tag文件
- [ ] 尝试用vc库代替git
- [X] gitalk替换评论系统
- [ ] water.css改配色
- [X] 实现delete org file处理
- [X] repo-dir切换到org branch前先用stash保存未提交内容,切回原branch后再unstash,这要比直接commit好
请在 repo 目录下手工执行 src_sh{git ls-tree -r –name-only HEAD}, 若发现所有的中文都显示成乱码,那么请执行
git config --global core.quotepath false