This module is a wrapper around the Adobe Target Node SDK. The module exports two constructors for use by products. One creates an express router with routes defined to get Adobe Target activities and to send notifications to Adobe Target. The other contructor creates a service that can be used to get activities or send notifications in a couple of ways, with middleware or calling functions directly.
In the server directory of a product run:
npm i -P @pss/pss-adobe-target
Both the pss-adobe-target Router and Service expect the follow configuration at initialization.
const pssAdobeTargetRouter = PssAdobeTarget.Router(adobeTargetConfig, PssLogger);
const pssAdobeTargetService = PssAdobeTarget.Service(adobeTargetConfig, PssLogger);
"client": "vault_adobe_target_client",
"organizationId": "vault_adobe_target_org_id",
"propertyToken": "vault_adobe_target_property",
"decisioningMethod": "on-device",
"events": {
"clientReady": onTargetClientReady,
"artifactDownloadSucceeded": onArtifactDownloadSucceeded,
"artifactDownloadFailed": onArtifactDownloadFailed,
"timeout": 500
For more information about the Adobe Target SDK configuration see this website:
attribute | required | type | expected value | secret | description |
client |
yes | string | vault_adobe_target_client |
yes | The Adobe Target client code. This value will be replaced with a secret from vault. |
organizationId |
yes | string | vault_adobe_target_org_id |
yes | The Adobe Tartet IMS Id. The value will be replaced with a secret from vault |
propertyToken |
yes | string | vault_adobe_target_property |
yes | The Adobe Target environment property. The value will be replaced with a secret from vault. |
decisioningMethod |
no | string | on-device , server-side , or hybrid |
no | Determines the decisioning method to use |
events |
no | object | see below | no | An optional object with event name keys and callback function values |
timeout |
no | number | Timeout in milleseconds | no | The timeout value for all requests to Adobe Target. |
These event functions will be defined either in code before initializing pss-adobe-target or in the configuration file. For more information about the Adobe Target SDK events see this website:
attribute | required | type | description |
clientReady |
no | function | Emitted when the artifact has downloaded and the SDK is ready for getOffers calls. Recommended when using on-device decisioning method. |
artifactDownloadSucceeded |
no | function | Emitted each time a new artifact is downloaded. |
artifactDownloadFailed |
no | function | Emitted each time an artifact fails to download. |
This is an initialized PssLogger that will be passed into both the Router and Service.
const PssLogger = require("@pss/pss-logger")(config.loggingConfig);
pss-adobe-target exports two constructors, one for an express Router and one for a Service.
The pss-adobe-target Router sets up two routes for use in client-side ajax requests.
GET /target/activity?activity=value1&activity=value2
This route fetches one or more experience the current user is in as well as the offer delivered by those experiences. The route expects one or more activity query parameters. The activity parameter is the main mbox of the adobe target activity defined when creating the activity in Adobe Target.
PUT /target/notification?mbox=mbox1&mbox=mbox2
This route will send notifications to adobe target for one or more mboxes. The route expects one or more mbox query parameters. The mboxes correspond to the metrics setup when creating the activity in Adobe Target. This is how we will collect success metrics for server-side activities.
PssAdobeTarget.Router() returns an express router.
The router will mainly be used for hybrid and server-side decisioning based activities. In the main node server javascript file, usually app.js
in pss products, import pss-adobe-target.
Initialize the pss adobe target router and use it.
const app = express();
const PssLogger = require("@pss/pss-logger")(config.loggingConfig);
const PssAdobeTarget = require("@pss/pss-adobe-target");
const pssAdobeTargetRouter = PssAdobeTarget.Router(config.adobeTargetConfig, PssLogger);
From client-side javascript send ajax requests to fetch which experience the current user is in and the offer delivered by the experience.
The /target/activity
route expects one or more activity=some-mbox-here
query parameter.
const activityName = "statdx-hsearch";
$.ajax("/target/activity?activity=" + activityName).done(function(response) {
const statdxHsearchActivity = response[activityName];
// Do something with the feature flag returned by the activity.
The response will be an object with a key of experience
and a value of the experience group the user is in. This object
is setup in Adobe Target activity
Here is a sample response for the /target/activity?activity=statdx-hsearch
"experience": "control"
From client-side javascript send ajax requests to trigger events for currently running server-side activities.
The /target/notification
route expects one or more mbox=some-mbox-here
query parameter.
const mbox = "mbox server-side-success";
url: "/target/notification?mbox=" + mbox,
type: "PUT"
}).done(function(response) {
// do something with the response
Here is an example of the notification route response object
"status": 200,
"requestId": "7d62c85c07fc4fe3a4622a0f847903ce",
"id": {
"tntId": "67664e186ef54ffd9cb60b20ef66aceb.35_0"
PssAdobeTarget.Service() returns an object with a number of functions for use interacting with adobe target. Among these function are two middleware methods that will add a function to the request to fetch activities or send notifications.
First initialize the Service
const PssLogger = require("@pss/pss-logger")(config.loggingConfig);
const PssAdobeTarget = require("@pss/pss-adobe-target");
const pssAdobeTargetService = PssAdobeTarget.Service(config.adobeTargetConfig, PssLogger);
Then use the middleware on routes defined in the product.
The Middleware.getActivities
expects one or more activity=activity-box
query paramenter.
The Middleware.sendNotification
expects one or more mbox=mbox-name
query paramenter.
(req, res, next) => {
const activities = req.getTargetActivities();
const searchEndpoint = activities["statdx-hsearch"];
if (searchEndpoint.experience === "control") {
// show the control experience
if (searchEndpoint.experience === "variation") {
// show the variation experience
else {
// show the default experience
(req, res, next) => {
const activities = req.getTargetActivities();
const notificationResponse = req.getTargetNotificationResponse();
if (notificationResponse.status !== 200) {
// Do something if the notification failed to send
The Service exports functions that can be used in nodejs code to interact with adobe target
const targetService = PssAdobeTarget.Service(adobeTargetConfig, PssLogger);
const renderSomePage = (req, res, next) => {
const userId = req.session.userId;
const sessionId = req.session.authToken;
const targetCookie = req.cookies.targetCookie ? req.cookies.targetCookie : null;
const activities = ["show-some-feature"];
targetService.getActivities(activities, userId, sessionId, targetCookie)
.then(response => {
logger.trace("Get activity response = ");
const experience = targetService.getExperienceFromTargetResponse(response, "show-some-feature");
let showNewFeature;
if (experience === "control") {
showNewFeature = false;
else if (experience === "variation") {
showNewFeature = true;
else {
showNewFeature = req.session.features["show-some-feature"].active;
logger.error(`Failed to get activity experience for "${activities}"`);
res.render("/some/page", {
showVariation: showNewFeature
.catch(error => {
logger.error("Failed to get activities");
const sendSomeNotification = (req, res, next) => {
const userId = req.session.userId;
const sessionId = req.session.authToken;
const targetCookie = req.cookies.targetCookie ? req.cookies.targetCookie : null;
const mboxes = req.query.mbox || ["some-mbox", "another-mbox"];
const eventType = req.query.eventType;
targetService.sendNotification(mboxes, eventType, userId, sessionId, targetCookie)
.then(response => {
logger.trace("Send notification response = ");
.catch(error => {
logger.error("Failed to get activities");