The Test Result Collection Tool is a command line tool for pushing test result XML files to the ALM Octane test result API.
java -jar test-result-collection-tool.jar [OPTIONS]... FILE [FILE]...
- -a,--product-area assign the test result to product area
- -b,--backlog-item assign the test result to backlog item
- -c,--config-file configuration file location
- --check-result check test result status after push
- --check-result-timeout timeout for test result push status retrieval
- -d,--shared-space server shared space to push to
- -e,--skip-errors skip errors on the server side
- -f,--field TYPE:VALUE assign field tag to test result
- -h,--help show this help
- -i,--internal supplied XML files are in the API internal XML format
- -o,--output-file write output to file instead of pushing it to the server
- -p,--password server password
- --password-file location of file with server password
- --proxy-host proxy host
- --proxy-password proxy password
- --proxy-password-file location of file with proxy password
- --proxy-port proxy port
- --proxy-user proxy username
- -r,--release assign release to test result
- -s,--server URL:PORT server URL with protocol and port
- --started start time in milliseconds
- -t,--tag TYPE:VALUE assign tag to test result
- -u,--user server username
- -v,--version show version of this tool
- -w,--workspace server workspace to push to
To push test results to MQM server, this tool requires the server location (-s option), sharedspace ID (-d option) and workspace ID (-w option). This data can be passed as command-line arguments or in a configuration file.
Example configuration file:
# Server URL with protocol and port
# Server sharedspace ID
# Server workspace ID
# Server username
# Proxy host address
# Proxy port number
# Proxy username
If the configuration file is named '' and is in same directory as this tool, it is automatically detected. Otherwise, pass the configuration file pathname as a command-line argument (-c option).
Taxonomy tags, field tags, product areas and backlog items can be specified more than once (e.g. -t "OS:Linux" -t "DB:Oracle").
If an output file is specified (--output-file option), this tool writes the output XML to a file instead of pushing it to the server. No server or credential specification is required in this case. The output XML is created from a single input JUnit report.
If there is no command line specification of the start time (--started option), the current system time is used for JUnit test results.
Some server-side errors can cause test result push failure even when the pushed XML is well formatted. You can use the skip-errors flag (-e option) to force pushing such a test result.
The password can be entered in the following ways:
- User is prompted to enter password on console
- Password is entered directly to command line (--password option)
- Password is entered from file (--password-file option)
This tool accepts JUnit test reports. This format is shown in the following example:
<!-- element encapsulating testcases -->
<!-- testcase contains mandatory attribute 'name' -->
<!-- and optionally 'classname', 'time' -->
<testcase classname="com.examples.example.SampleClass"
name="passedTest" time="0.001"/>
<!-- 'skipped' element is present for skipped tests -->
<testcase name="skippedTest" time="0.002">
<!-- 'failure' element is present for failed tests -->
<testcase name="failedTest">
<!-- 'error' element is present for tests with error -->
<testcase name="testWithError" time="0.004">
Additional information like release, taxonomy tags, or field tags can be set as command line arguments for JUnit test reports.
You can also provide the test report in the API internal format by using
the -i or --internal option. If you use the API internal format, more parameters are
set in the XML file than are available in the JUnit test reports. For
example, release, taxonomy tags, field tags,and so on. The API internal
format is defined in testResult.xsd, on the MQM server.
Server configuration is entered directly on the command line. User is prompted to enter the password.
java -jar test-result-collection-tool.jar -s "http://localhost:8080" -d 1001 -w 1002 JUnit.xml
Configuration of the server is specified in a separate configuration
file. Password is entered directly on the command line and tags are assigned to the test results generated from both JUnit -jar test-result-collection-tool.jar -c -p "password" -t "OS:Linux" -t "DB:Oracle" JUnitOne.xml JUnitTwo.xml
Server configuration is automatically loaded from the '' file, which is placed in the same directory as this tool. See the format example above in the "Configuration" section.
java -jar test-result-collection-tool.jar -i publicApi.xml