ProMicro as AVRISP (fork of ArduinoISP)
This is an all prepared bundle that allows your ProMicro to work as an AVRISP programmer.
You'll need this to replace, or reprogram if you like, the bootloader on your ProMicro.
Please report issues on github.
No need of A-word IDE.
prepare a compiler: download AVR-GCC from Microchip
( tested with AVR 8-bit Toolchain 3.6.2 and 3.7.0 )
or do apt-get install binutils-avr gcc-avr avr-libc , on linux
git clone -b release --recursive ProMicro-AVRISP
cd ProMicro-AVRISP
It will be recognized as VID_16C0&PID_0483 and it will be recognized by QMK Toolbox aswell.
VID&PID is defined in TeensyCore/usb_serial/usb_private.h
Default bootloader of ATMEGA32U4 can be found here.
and it's document here.
- v1.2
- Aside from PF4 , Now PB4 and PB6 can also be used as RST signal.
- Rescue clock of 4MHz is available on PB5 and PC6.
- Nicer heartbeat-ing of status LED.
- v1.1
- Fixed: Now it is properly recognized as a USB device when lauched from Caterina bootloader just after rewriting.