Getting started with TensorFlow for Scala Native using a sbt
The current API is at the C interoperability level which means the coding will be pretty low level.
You must install sbt
, Scala Native requirements, and the Tensorflow library.
- Java - JDK 17 recommended (Used for sbt and Scala Native build)
- sbt -
- clang / llvm -
- Tensorflow -
Use the following directions to create a project directory tf-start
in the current directory. It is recommended that you start in your workspace or the place you want the project. You can use any name in place of tf-start
but then substitute that name in the directions that follow:
% sbt new ekrich/stensorflow.g8
[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.5 (Azul Systems, Inc. Java 11.0.15)
[info] set current project to new (in build file:/private/var/folders/f8/vpd97qv1621_b7zt0z957cjc0000gn/T/sbt_28e22874/new/)
A minimal project that uses stensorflow
name [Scala Native TensorFlow Project]: tf-start
Template applied in /some/directory/./tf-start
% cd tf-start
% sbt
sbt:root> run
sbt:root> test
Now you are off and running so have fun!