Plex plugin for all NRK content (, etc.)
State of this project as of October 2014: Quite stable and available from the Plex Channel Directory. Maintainers are struggling to find time to work on this between kids & family, so please come forward if you want to contribute :)
To stay up to date with the stuff we are working on, please visit the issues page:
- Open a Terminal
- Execute the following commands:
# mkdir github
# cd github
# git clone git://
# cd
# rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/NRKTV.bundle
# ln -s ~/github/NRKTV.bundle/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/NRKTV.bundle
- Close the Terminal program
To update the plugin:
- Open a Terminal
- Execute the following commands:
# cd github/NRKTV.bundle
# git pull
- Close the Terminal program
OSX (without git installed)
- Download zip file from here:
- Unzip the file
- Move the unzipped folder to your home directory into a folder called github and rename the unzipped folder to NRKTV.bundle (removing the -master suffix)
- Open a Terminal
- Execute the following commands
# rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/NRKTV.bundle
# ln -s ~/github/NRKTV.bundle/ ~/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/NRKTV.bundle
To update the plugin. Redownload the zip file and replace the .bundle file found here: github/NRKTV.bundle
Windows (without git installed)
- Download zip file from here:
- Unzip the file
- Rename unzipped folder to NRKTV.bundle
- Move the NRKTV.bundle folder to C:\Users(username)\AppData\Local\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins directory