Crawling the web at night. Maintainer: Edward D. Gaudio
Demo for job applications.
- React + Redux
- Babel 6 w/ basic presets and transform
- Webpack
- Express development server
- Sequelize - PostGres
- Eslint w/ basic configs(AirBnb based)
- Jest for Testing
- Nunjucks Templates
- Sass
node 8.0.0
and higher! Wanted to use full set of ES6 features without Babel- postgres database
- Make sure you have Postgres up and running
- Make a .env file, top level, with the following configurations
- Run
npm run db-shema
- Run
npm run db-seed
- Build
npm run build
- Test if you feel so inclined
npm test
- Run the server
npm start
- Watch is not hooked up on npm start yet, probably should run ``
AirBnb style guide, 90% followed
Learn more here: AirBnb Style Guide