Oregon Tech SQL class assignments
Course: MIS 275: Introduction to Relational Databases Credit Hours: 3 Credits Prerequisite(s): None
Faculty Instructor: Lindy Stewart Office Hours: By Appointment Phone: 541-281-6044 Email: lindy.stewart@oit.edu
Textbook: Database Systems Design, Implementation, and Management 12e Publisher: Cengage Authors: Coronel, Morris ISBN: 978-1-305-62748-2
SQL Server 2016 for Developers Publisher: Murach Authors: Murach and Syverson ISBN: 978-1-890774-96-7
Online Materials for the Course Course materials can be found on Canvas at http://my.oit.edu
The relational model, DBMS functions, administration, design methodology, modeling and normalization. Hands-on design, development and use of an enterprise database system using SQL Server. SQL fundamentals will be introduced, covering select statements, data manipulation, sub-queries, multi- table queries, functions and data types.
At the end of this course each student should be able to: Understand the concepts of database management Systems Be familiar with the relational database model. Be familiar with SQL and querying relational data models. Understand Database Design fundamentals. Understand Database Modeling. Be familiar with the application and usability of SQL Server.
This course is presented as a series of 10 modules over the course of ten weeks. These will include lectures, assignment/lab, quizzes, and exam.
The reading materials along with the course deliverables will be described in each module.
Quizzes and exams will cover textbook and lecture material. The final exam will be comprehensive and will cover material from the entire course.
Each component will contribute to the following proportion:
Item Points Lab 8 @ 50 points = 400 Quizzes 5 @ 30 points = 150 Midterm Exam 1 @150 points = 150 Final Exam 1 @150 points = 150 Total Total Points = 850 Grade Percentage Earned A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 0-59%