Sit down, grab a coffee, and let's explore code together while exchanging ideas. In this space, you’ll encounter a wide range of projects with a strong focus on #Python and its powerful libraries. We'll dive deep into back-end development, working with SQL, Django, FastAPI, PySide6, REST APIs, AJAX, and more. Even if we don’t speak the same language (yet), we’ll always find a solution to every challenge that comes our way. ;-)
Some Python libs: numpy, math, pandas, pymysql, os, decimal, re, sys, pprint, importlib, copy, itertools, functools, types, json, datetime, requests, bs4, beautifulsoup, django, pathlib, log, abc, adtv2, contextlib, enum, dataclasses, collections, pytz, dateutil, calendar, locale, shutil, pprint, typing, csv, random, secrets, string, dotenv, email.mime.multipart, email.mime.text, smtplib, zipfile, argparse, requests, subprocess, time, sleep, threading, pypdf2, openpyxl, pil, pyside6, utils, qdarktheme, sqlite3, cursors, random, | Q, sqlalchemy, hashlib.
'*' Studying these technologies.
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