A simple grid strategy trading robot working upon Bluefin in Sui network. This program was written in TypeScript based on bluefin-v2-client, and one should formulate your custodian account and adjust the file config_blue.json before running. These codes were made intended to learn interactions around bluefin, comments and improvements are welcome!
Text format for the file config_blue.json:
"symbol":"SUI-PERP",// the trading pair for this bot
"mnemonic":"trigger swim reunion gate hen black real deer light nature trial dust", // your wallet seed phrase
"lowerprice": 0.707, //the lowest price for the bot running
"gridnum": 65, // the total number of grids
"amount": 70, //the amount each one grid will trade
"pricegap": 0.004, //smallest price difference between grids
"sleepperiod": 2500, //loop period =2.5s
"leverage":3, //perp leverage
"close_all_when_out_range":1,//close all positions when price is out of range
"equi_ratio_mode":0, // =1 then shift to equivalent ratio grids mode, otherwise keep the equivalent difference grids mode
"priceratiogap":1.004,// price ratio between each grid in equivalent ratio grids mode