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Basic usage:

First time users

  1. Install node.
  2. Install wildflower globally with npm install --global If you prefer, you can clone this repository and install its dependencies instead with git clone && cd wildflower && npm install.
  3. From the parent directory of where you would like to store your version-controllable dotfiles, run wildflower till. This will create a directory named valley containing a sample config file named meadows.mjs and a directory to store dotfiles in named meadows. Skip down to the filesystem section for a full description.
  4. Add descriptions of the files you want to gather to valley/meadows.mjs.
  5. Run wildflower gather. This will collect all the files you specified in valley/meadows.mjs into the valley/meadows directory. Files in your home directory (~) will be stored in valley/meadows/~~; everything else will be stored by its verbatim path.
  6. Back up or version control the contents of ./valley however you like.

Returning users on a new device

  1. Install node.
  2. Install wildflower globally with npm install --global If you prefer, you can clone this repository and install its dependencies instead with git clone && cd wildflower && npm install.
  3. Pull in your existing valley directory using the version control or backup tool you selected earlier.
  4. Run wildflower sow to distribute your config files.


The filesystem you should have after tilling will look something like:

  valley/        # choose where you want to root this directory by running till from ...
    meadow.mjs   # config for backup and restore lives here
    meadow/      # actual backed up files live here
      ~~/        # this is the only special / mutated directory name
    .git         # if you want to version control with git, make `valley` a repository

A valley (the folder where your meadows are) can be located in one of three places: in or next to the wildflower source repo (if you cloned it from github), defined by the VALLEY_PATH variable (e.g. VALLEY_PATH=~/valley), or in the current working path of the terminal you're running wildflower commands from.

Writing meadows.mjs

You can currently define two types of meadows: paths, which allow you to easily copy and manage files and folders, and runs, which allow you to run arbitrary commands.

path meadows

You can copy in either files or folders. In the case of folders, you can filter out the contents using globs.

Example copying files:

{ path: `~/Library/Preferences/at.obdev.LaunchBar.plist` },
{ path: `~/Library/Preferences/at.obdev.LaunchBar.ActionEditor.plist` },

Example copying folders:

  path: `~/Library/Application Support/LaunchBar`,
  filter: [
    // required to work

    // folders need !Folder (for the directory itself) and !Folder/** (for it's files)
    // if you're using git to store these, you can skip the directory ignore
    // note specific files
    `!Recent Documents.plist`

run meadows

run meadows allow you to run arbitrary javascript (and therefore shell commands) to perform some task. zsh, bash, shell, and run functions are provided globally to allow for easy shell access.

  name: "Basic run",
  run: () => {
    return zsh(`
      echo "Some basic run."


  • Add ability for wildflower to run commands
    • Note that the sow step current runs commands, but the gather step does not.
  • Add some kind of ordering/dependency mechanism (wait for 'x' before doing 'y'.)
    • Note that the sow step runs in sequence, but the gather step runs in parallel.
  • Improve runtime perf (parallelize async fs operations)
  • Add runtime perf / debugging utilities


Gather & sow your dotflowers






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