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Releases: ebizmarts/sage-pay-suite-ce
Releases · ebizmarts/sage-pay-suite-ce
Version 3.6.6
Bug Fix
- Encrypt callback URL
Version 3.6.5
Bug fixes
- Some deferred orders not showing on deferred order grid
- Server configs showing when disabled
- Security patch
- Update ReD status when calling getTransactionDetail via Reporting API.
- Workaround for prototype issue causing "Payment has failed error"
- Fix class name, it does not work on case-sensitive filesystems.
- Fix invalid chars on incide parameters.
- New coding standard
- Support link updated to the new ticket system's email
- Coding standard
- Don't expose admin url on frontend.
- Checkout no longer breaks without sandbox.xml
- Typo fixes
Bug fixes
- Recurring error when Save order before was enabled.
- MageMonkey issues.
- Typo on error helper.
- Missing translations on error helper.
New features and bugfixes.
- New Feature: SERVER now has the possibility to pre-save the order to avoid session lost issues with SSL.
- New Feature: SERVER Pre-save order cron configuration to automatically cancel pending payment orders.
- Improvement: Don't allow success page to reload session more than once.
- Improvement: Removed email from SERVER MOTO NotificationURL to prevent exceeding the 255 char limit.
- Improvement: Added validation to prevent customers from sending the CC number in the CC owner field.
- Bug fix: CC expiration date not being showed in backend when token is used.
- Bug fix: Get shipping method instead of description for virtual product validation.
- Bug fix: Cancel pending payment cron trying to void transactions.
- Bug fix: Modman file errors.
- Bug fix: Main window redirect from iframe issue with DIRECT 3D.
- Bug fix: Back button on orphan transaction edit form not working.
- Bug fix: Vendorname was being forced to lowercase.
- Bug fix: Check that the amounts match error when transaction currency base && currency switcher is used.
- Bug fix: MCDEBIT was not validating.
- Bug fix: SERVER security vulnerability.
- Bug fix: CURL_VERIFY_PEER default to true and fixed some areas where it was not taking the configuration.
- Bug fix: ApplyAVSCV2 typo on SERVER integration.
- Bug fix: In rare occasions there was a space added to the country code being sent which resulted in a checkout error.
- Bug fix: SERVER issues when order saving process taking more than 20 secs.
- Bug fix: Force 3D secure on selected card setting not working as expected.
- Bug fix: Token list with SERVER still hidden after switching back and forth to the "Add new card/Use saved card".
New features and bugfixes.
- New Feature: Modman support.
- New Feature: Option to use SERVER with 'full redirect' for adding tokens from customer account.
- Improvement: Improved stability to avoid un-invoiced orders with SERVER.
- Improvement: Permissions added for backend controllers to fix magento patch issue.
- Bug fix: Original price of items showing as $0 with SERVER MOTO when using discount.
- Bug fix: Token not using AVSCV2 settings.
- Bug fix: Canceling a payment on mobile redirecting to a blank screen on mobile.
- Bug fix: SERVER integration broken when using multi-shipping after magento security patch.
- Bug fix: XML basket not working as expected with guest customers.
- Bug fix: Profiler not working on backend.
- Bug fix: Prevent invoicing feature not working with SERVER.
- Bug fix: Whitelist IP on backend always showing error at the bottom.
- Bug fix: RED fraud badge images not showing correctly.
- Bug fix: Sage 50 basket sending wrong value if invoice set to "Including Taxes".
- Bug fix: Workaround for IE 10 bug when using any iframe.
- Bug fix: Total showing wrong when using multi-currency with SERVER.
- Bug fix: SERVER always using saved token if OSC module is being used.
- Bug fix: Multiple error messages on success due to session issues.
- Bug fix: OSC causes error when logged in users change their billing address.
- New Feature: Added config option to prevent automatic invoicing with authorize and capture.
- Improvement: Permissions added for backend controllers to fix magento patch issue.
- Improvement: IPv6 beta support added.
- Improvement: Thirdman cron improved.
- Improvement: Minor changes to improve support for some 3rd party checkout modules.
- Improvement: Use magento admin router for security, admin controller calls are now hidden.
- Improvement: Expired tokens are now deleted on customer login.
- Bug fix: Add sales->sagepay->configuration to ACL.
- Bug fix: VOID transaction not working in orphan grid.
- Bug fix: Checkout sidebar payment method section broken on newer php versions.
- Bug fix: Typo on sql query affecting new installs.
- Bug fix: Token not being saved when using SERVER with SSL after latest Magento patch.