eXide is a web-based XQuery IDE built around the ace editor. It is tightly integrated with the eXist-db native XML database.
- XQuery function and variable completion (press Ctrl-Space or Opt-Space)
- Outline view showing all functions and variables reachable from the current file
- Powerful navigation (press F3 on a function call to see its declaration)
- Templates and snippets
- Background syntax checks for XQuery and XML
- Database manager
- Support for EXPath application packages: scaffolding, deployment...
- And more ...
eXide consists of two parts:
- a javascript library for the client-side application
- a set of XQuery scripts which are called via AJAX
eXide 3.0.0 removes the app generation feature as it was generating outdated code with potential security risks. We recommend the much better yeoman-based generator-exist for eXist-db.
- short documentation of all features
- screencast demonstrating most features
Building eXide requires git and node.js (version 14+).
Running tests requires npm and node.js.
eXide is included in eXist-db distributions and can be opened directly at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/eXide
. It can also be opened via the Dashboard or the "Open eXide" entry in eXist-db's task or menu bar.
You can upgrade to new releases of eXide via the Dashboard app's Package Manager.
You can also build eXide from source and install it.
To build eXide from scratch:
git clone git://github.com/eXist-db/eXide.git
cd eXide
git submodule update --init --recursive
Next, call npm install
npm install
And each time you want to build the application:
npm run build
You should now find a .xar
file in the build/
directory: build/eXide-*.*.*.xar
. The .xar
file is an EXPath Application package containing eXide. Install this into any compatible eXist-db instance using the Dashboard's Package Manager.
We welcome contributions to help us improve both unit and integration tests. Current tests can be found in the cypress/integration
eXide's GitHub repository is configured to run tests automatically on each PR via TravisCI (see .travis.yml
To run tests locally, build and install eXide on localhost, and start the tests:
# clone the repo
git clone git://github.com/eXist-db/eXide.git
cd eXide
git submodule update --init --recursive
# build exide
npm install
# at this point if you are planning to build another branch change it now
npm run build
#start exist docker container
docker create --name exist-ci -p 8080:8080 existdb/existdb:latest
#deploy exide
docker cp ./build/*.xar exist-ci:exist/autodeploy
#start the docker container
docker start exist-ci && sleep 30
# by this time you should be able to visit http://localhost:8080 and get exist-db home page
# run cypress tests
npm run cypress # this runs the tests in console
# or use to view the tests in a GUI environment
#npm run cypress open
If successful, the test runner should report, "All specs passed!"
eXist-db.org Community administrators publish eXide releases by uploading the eXide .xar
file to the public repo.
Releases are also published to the eXide GitHub repository's Releases page. To do so, either use the Releases page or add a tag in the form: 'vX.X.X' to the repo (where X
corresponds to the semantic version number of the new release).
If you need help with a release of eXide, post a note in the eXist-db Community Slack.