You can try out this theme by running the following in R:
url <- ""
rstudioapi::addTheme(url, apply = TRUE, force = TRUE)
This will appear in Tools > Global Options > Appearance > Editor Theme as One Dark {Inspired}
If you have issues applying the theme programatically, try this instead:
- Download the atom_inspired.rstheme file from this github repo
- Go to RStudio's Tools > Global Options > Appearance
- Under Editor Theme, click "Add"
- Select the atom_inspired.rstheme file from it's location on your machine
- Click "Apply"
To remove this theme, go to RStudio's Tools > Global Options > Appearance and click "Remove" or simply run
rstudioapi::removeTheme("One Dark {Inspired}")
More information on custom RStudio themes can be found here:
- Posit's article "Using Themes in the RStudio IDE" [link]
- RStudio Extensions website for "Creating Custom Themes for RStudio" [link]
- tkrable's GitHub repo for One Dark [link]
If you like the dark RStudio theme (not the editor theme), check out darkstudio [link]