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Italian Full-Text Search Dictionary

Author: Daniele Varrazzo
Organization: Develer S.r.l.
Source code:On GitHub
Download:From PGXN

This package provides an ISpell dictionary to perform high quality full text search in Italian documents using the PostgreSQL database.

Using the provided dictionary, search operations in Italian documents can keep into account morphological variations of Italian words, such as verb conjugations.

Copyright: 2001, 2002 Gianluca Turconi
Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004 Gianluca Turconi and Davide Prina
Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006 Davide Prina
Copyright: 2007-2020 Daniele Varrazzo

Package description

This package contains an ISpell dictionary useful to perform high quality full-text searches in Italian language documents. The package also contains installation and configuration files.


This package can be used to install and configure the ISpell dictionary in all supported PostgreSQL versions.

Package installation

You can use the PGXN Client to install the dictionary:

$ [sudo] pgxn install italian_fts

This installs the extension files in the PostgreSQL cluster. Please check pgxn install options if you have more than one cluster.

After the package has been installed you can use SQL command CREATE EXTENSION to make the dictionary available in a database:


Dictionary usage

The extension creates a text search dictionary italian_ispell and a text search configuration also called italian_ispell using the dictionary as a default and falling back to the Snowball stemmer italian_stem (installed by default by PostgreSQL) when a word is not found. Here is a result of the process of a sample text with the italian_ispell configuration:

=# select token, dictionary, lexemes
    from ts_debug('italian_ispell', $$
        Né più mai toccherò le sacre sponde
        ove il mio corpo fanciulletto giacque,
        Zacinto mia, che te specchi nell'onde
        del greco mar da cui vergine nacque
    where array_upper(lexemes,1) <> 0;

    token     |   dictionary   |    lexemes
 più          | italian_ispell | {più}
 mai          | italian_ispell | {mai}
 toccherò     | italian_ispell | {toccare}
 sacre        | italian_ispell | {sacro}
 sponde       | italian_ispell | {sponda}
 ove          | italian_ispell | {ove}
 corpo        | italian_ispell | {corpo}
 fanciulletto | italian_ispell | {fanciulletto}
 giacque      | italian_ispell | {giacere}
 Zacinto      | italian_stem   | {zacint}
 specchi      | italian_ispell | {specchiare}
 onde         | italian_ispell | {onda}
 greco        | italian_ispell | {greco}
 mar          | italian_ispell | {mare}
 vergine      | italian_ispell | {vergine}
 nacque       | italian_ispell | {nascere}
(16 rows)

For general usage of the full-text search features in PostgreSQL please refer to the database documentation.