gives api to query LDAP server, without the need to know about LDAP. Supporting both Active Directory and Open LDAP servers.
Why are there two p's in ldappy
and not only one? you may ask.. well.. it's because it's the Happy way to use ldap with python :)
ldappy uses pyldap for the communication with the LDAP server.
pip install ldappy
Or from source:
git clone git@github.com:dusking/ldappy.git
cd ldappy
make install
sudo apt-get install python-dev, python3-dev, libpython3-dev, libpython3.4-dev, libpython3.5-dev
python3.4 -m pip install pyldap
python3.5 -m pip install pyldap
ldappy = Ldappy(config)
all_users = ldappy.user_objects.all()
user = all_users[0]
print user.pretty_data()
You can see a full sample usage at samples/sample_usage.py or at the tests.
There is User object and Group object. Each of them inherit from dict, so all the relevant data can be seen easly. BUT, since there are some different field name convenstions between the Open LDAP and Active Directory, there is the pretty_data methos, which return the same data, but with common name convenstion.. for example, full_name insttead of fn..
NOTE: Running the tests require an internet connection
NOTE: You may need to install some dependencies, as described above..
git clone git@github.com:dusking/ldappy.git
cd ldappy
pip install tox