Herein are the Interpretation Techniques and final Machine Learning model designed for the Rice University ELEC-578 Kaggle Neuron Synapse Prediction competition in partnership with Andreas Tolias Lab of the Baylor College of Medicine and participants of the MICrONS Consortium.

These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Requirements for the software.
- Python version 3.11.4 was used for Interpretability Methods and the Model.
- See Visual Studio Code for instructions on installing a Jupyter package in a Python environment.
- Libraried used can be installed via PIP package installer.
Dominique Dulièpre, Sara Vanaki
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- We express our gratitude for the generousity of the Neuroscientists and Members at the Andreas Tolias Lab of the Baylor College of Medicine and participants of the MICrONS Consortium. For this opportunity would not have been available whithout their arduous data reconstruction efforts.
- We also extend this gratitude to Genevera Allen and the Teaching Assistants of ELEC-578 for fostering the collaboration to formulate a class project and competition out of the opportunity; which enriched the repertoire of the students and provided the Neuroscientists with invaluable inferences and information.