Mass DM tool for Twitter to convert followers to another platform
Solution to:
- easy authentication using Sign in with Twitter
- preview follower rankings before sending the real deal
- defaults to dry run mode to prevent unintentionally sending out DMs
- remembers when a DM has been sent to a follower so no unintentional double sends
- automatically pauses execution to wait out rate limits
make install
to install dependencies -
(automatically created) in the same directory
and add your app credentials:- make sure your Twitter app has "Read, write, and Direct Messages" permission
HOSTED_CONSUMER_KEY = "" # for the flask app HOSTED_CONSUMER_SECRET = "" # for the flask app CONSUMER_KEY = "" # for the CLI version CONSUMER_SECRET = "" # for the CLI version SECRET_KEY = ""
On first run, you'll be prompted to authorize with Twitter
$ python Visit to authorize with twitter: Paste the verification code here: ________
python fetch
to fetch your followers -
python preview
to test out the ranking system and see how your followers will be prioritized -
python send
to dry send a DM to your followers(add--real
to send them for real!)
Complete steps 1 and 2 from above.
to your callback URLs in Twitter dev app settings -
make start
source .venv/bin/activate && python
docker-compose up --build
Usage: [OPTIONS] [send|fetch|preview|reset|delete_keys]
Mass DM tool for Twitter to convert followers to another platform
--real Actually send DMs.
--help Show this message and exit.
- download followers to a local database
$ python fetch Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 You've already fetched your followers. Are you sure you want to refetch them? This could take a while. [y/n]: y Fetching 50 followers Fetching follower ids! Fetching user objects from ids! Fetching 50/50 Followers |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Fetched Done!
- download followers to a local database
show a preview of followers with specified ranking
these preview options are available for ranking your followers
- recent - prioritize follower who most recently followed you
- followers_count - prioritize followers with more followers
- following_count - prioritize followers following more people
- statuses_count - prioritize followers who have more tweets
- listed_count - prioritize followers who appear in more lists
- favourites_count - prioritize followers who have liked more tweets(British spelling cuz thats how twitter does it lol)
- location - filter followers based on their location
- description - filter followers based on their bio description
good for getting an idea of the follower prioritized by
$ python preview Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 Choose how you'd like to rank your followers: 1) recent 2) followers_count 3) following_count 4) statuses_count 5) listed_count 6) favourites_count 7) location 8) description Enter the number of your choice: 2
filtering by location or description will prompt you to enter a string to search for
$ python preview Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 Choose how you'd like to rank your followers: 1) recent 2) followers_count 3) following_count 4) statuses_count 5) listed_count 6) favourites_count 7) location 8) description Enter the number of your choice: 7 Enter what you want to look for in location: cali
opens in less(or your preferred pager) for easy navigation
Order of followers to be DM'ed(ranked by followers_count ). Followers whom a DM hasn't been sent are shown: nokia FundingTweets MonsterFunder MonsterFunders Motts StartUpsSolar Money360 abcstoreshawaii 3DMCTweets gaaplug datezoholeg DSeviorINC PrinceSpeaks247 HelpCrowdfund1 FizzyDaysMovie MoneyTeddyBear hollywoodville :
initiate sending mass DM to followers
defaults to dry run so no DMs are sent out for real
to send DMs for real$ python send Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 Choose how you'd like to rank your followers: 1) recent 2) followers_count 3) following_count 4) statuses_count 5) listed_count 6) favourites_count 7) location 8) description Enter the number of your choice: 1 NOTE: you may want to preview your followers rankings before sending What do you wanna say? Type your message below: hello world Here is your message one more time: hello world Are you sure you want to send this? [y/n]: y Dry run is ON. Messages are not actually being sent. Phew. Add the --real flag to send DMs Sending message to 50 followers Sending DM to EgoAthletics |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Sent
- resets every followers' DM sent flags, so another mass DM can be initiated
$ python reset Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 Followers DM sent flags reset!
- resets every followers' DM sent flags, so another mass DM can be initiated
delete API keys stored from authentication
$ python reset Logged in as: SuperTweeter123 Keys deleted!
- Fetching followers data
- fetches ids of followers first using
returns 5,000 user ids/request(max 15 requests every 15 minutes )- TOTAL: 75,000 users every 15 minutes
- then, fetches user object using
can get 100 user objects per request- with user-level auth, you can make 900 requests every 15 minutes
- TOTAL: 90,000 users every 15 minutes
- fetches ids of followers first using
- Ranking Followers
- uses SQLAlchemy database queries to do the heavy lifting
- Sending DMs
- uses tweepy's wrapper for
direct_messages/events/new (message_create)
- updates database to keep track of which followers have been sent DMs
- uses tweepy's wrapper for