stepper-esc -- Electronic Speed Controller for steppers. Translates PWM to stepper quadrature
To use this chip in your project, include it as a dependency in your diagram.json
"dependencies": { "chip-stepper-esc": "github:drf5n/Wokwi-Chip-stepper-esc@1.0.0" }
Then, add the chip to your circuit by adding a chip-stepper-esc
item to the parts
section of diagram.json
"parts": {
"type": "chip-stepper-esc",
"id": "esc1",
"attrs": {"Tau":"10", "Texp":"-1", "MaxSpeed":"60" }
The actual source code for the chip lives in src/main.c, and the pins are described in chip.json.
- Wokwi Uno with bare stepper-esc chip with github dependency -- with LED-motors and scopes
- Wokwi Mega with dual steppers and encoders -- dual DC motor simulation with scopes
- Wokwi Uno with bare stepper-esc chip with tabbed files -- with LED-motors and scopes
- Wokwi Uno with L298N and stepper-ESCs using tabs -- with LED motors and scopes
- -- for a more efficient dual-h-bridge motor driver custom chip.
- for a less efficient dual-h-bridge motor driver custom chip.
- github:drf5n/Wokwi-Chip-stepper-esc@1.0.1 -- non-Working release
To get the Wokwi build script working to build the necessary file for distribution with a release so Wokwi can pick it up
- enable the repository settings for workflow permissions to be read-write
- make sure the .github/workflows/build.yaml is in the repository
- commit
- make a vN.n.n tag:
git tag -a "v1.0.5" -m "build.yaml"
- push the tag to github:
git push origin tag v1.0.5
Refer to for a little discussion
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.