CouchDB implementation in Go. The main target platform is for mobile devices.
The name is not final, it represents a concatenation of Go and Couch. We are still thinking to call it Gr0_0uchO DB, and add a mustache on a CouchDB logo. Other names on the list: Recamier, SquaBD, seTTes (a palindromized form of settee and pronounced [si tɪts]), Banquette , all refering to couch in English. The tanslation/equivalent word in other languages: gogol, bedi DB, MoengaDB (just to annoy mongoDB fans), mag-abang DB.
This project is not another implementation of CouchDB system. It came as an alternative to existing implementations: PouchDB, CouchBase Lite, TouchDB etc for mobile devices.
The main purpose is to allow a decent storage mechanism of data on mobile devices that will be able to replicate/sync with a CouchDB sever.
By its nature GoCouchDB runs off-line, stores data in JSON format and exposes a REST API to the application, and most important it syncs.
Get this repository from github:
git clone
Setup environment variable: GOPATH
The storage is based on BoltDB. You need to add the project from github to src directory.
The REST API is assured by echo framework ( and Add this framework from github. Also from Labstack must be imported. Together with: and
Some of golang extra packages are needed: net, crypto and text. You may get them from: add them to the src directory.
Or after cloning the repository onto your local drive,
cd gocouch/gocouch; chmod 0777 ./
you may run the following script for setup:
If you get this message:
INFO|echo| GO CouchDB started ... everybody relax, NOW!
then you are up and running, congratulations!
If you want develop your own version of this software, please use ./ clean
before commit.
The following REST API are implemented or on the roadmap:
GET http://server:5984/
GET http://server:5984/_uuids
GET http://server:5984/_all_dbs
HEAD http://server:5984/{db}
GET http://server:5984/{db}
-- Partially implemented. The statistics is not recorder. It will be fully implemented as part of replication mechanism. -
POST http://server:5984/{db}
PUT http://server:5984/{db}
DELETE http://server:5984/{db}
GET http://server:5984/_backup/{db}
-- This is specific API and allows you to download the associate BoltDB file. Like a full dump of the database. -
POST http://server:5984/_replicate
GET http://server:5984/{db}/_local/{doc}
POST http://server:5984/{db}/_local/{doc}
GET http://server:5984/{db}/_changes
POST http://server:5984/{db}/_changes
POST http://server:5984/{db}/_revs_diff
GET http://server:5984/{db}/{doc}
PUT http://server:5984/{db}/{doc}
POST http://server:5984/{db}/_bulk_docs
POST http://server:5984/{db}/_ensure_full_commit
Database log is directed to the console in this moment but this will be changed for production release, it will most probably be directed toward a file or a database. There is a config database
, in a future version it will be an API that will allow configuration management. Attachments are also on the roadmap, both as document attachments and as CouchApps.