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  • What is Angular?

    Angular is a Javascript Framework which allows you to create reactive Single-Page-Applications(SPAs).

Key points to learn

No. Topic
1 The Basics
2 Typescript
3 Bootstrap
4 Component
5 Data Binding
6 Directives
7 Lifecycle Hooks
8 Services
9 Routing
10 Observables
11 Forms
12 Pipes
14 Authentication
15 Dynamic Components
16 Modules & Optimizations
17 Deployment
18 NgRx
19 Animations
19 Service Workers
19 Testing
20 Project

How Angular Project Starts

  • First the CLI loads the main.ts file when running the command ng serve
  • AppModule [./app/app.module] is passed as a parameter in the main.ts file under bootstrapModule function.
  • Then it goes to the app.module.ts file where AppComponent is passed bootstrap: [AppComponent] as argument to the NgModule decorator.
  • It means AppComponent should be known to Angular when it analyse the project.

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  • Typescript is a superset of javascript
  • More features than vanilla JS (e.g Types, Classes, Interfaces, etc)
  • Typescript compiled to Javascript and run in browser

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Adding Bootstrap

ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap


npm install bootstrap jquery

  "styles": [
  "scripts": [

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  • Components are the key feature of Angular
  • When creating an application we need different blocks like header, users, sidebar etc.
  • Each component has its own template, style and logic.
  • So that we can easily split our app into various piece of components.
  • To create a component we need to run ng generate component <component-name> or in short ng g c <component-name> --skip-tests=true
  • CLI will declare the newly generated component into the module file declarations array to let angular know this component exists.
  • templateUrl for refer external html file, we can use template for inline html. ex : template: '<h1>Hello World</h1>'
  • styleUrls for refer external style sheet it takes an array of different style urls. We can use inline style using styles array. ex : styles: [ h3 { color : dodgerblue } ]

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Data Binding

  • Communication between view (HTML) and logic (TS).
  • String Interpolation ({{ data }})
  • Property Binding ([propery] = "data")
  • Event Binding ((event) = "expression")
  • Two-Way-Binding ([(ngModel)] = "data")

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  • Directives are the Instructions in the DOM

    1. Structural Directives
    2. Attribute Directives
    3. Custome Directives
  • Structural Directives are *ngIf, *ngFor i.e it adds or removes elemnts on the DOM so it has a * mark in it.

    <p *ngIf="condition; else elseBlock">...</p>
    • For the else block we need to declare a local reference
    <ng-template #elseBlock>...</ng-template>
    <p *ngFor="let data of arrayList">{{data}}</p>
    • Access the Index in *ngFor
    <p *ngFor="let data of arrayList; let i = index">{{data}}</p>
  • Attribute Directives don't add or remove elements. They only change the element.

    <p [ngStyle]="{backgroundColor: getColor()}">...</p>
    <p [ngClass]="{success: status === 'online'}">...</p>
  • Custome Directive

    @Directive decorator is used for custome directive.

    ng generate directive highlight
    import { Directive, ElementRef, OnInit, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';
      selector: '[appHighlight]',

    Refer HighlightDirective

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Lifecycle Hooks

Hooks Description
ngOnChanges Called after a bound input property changes
ngOnInit Called once the component is initialized
ngDoCheck Called during every change detection run
ngAfterContentInit Called every time the projected content has been checked
ngAfterContentChecked Called after Angular checks the content projected into the directive or component
ngAfterViewInit Called after the component's view (and child views) has been initialized
ngAfterViewChecked Called every time the view (and child views) has been checked
ngOnDestroy Called once the component is about to be destroyed

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  • Service acts as central repository or central business unit.

  • No need to instanciate the class, it will auto instanciate by angular internally this process is called Dependency Injection.

    service = new Service();  // instanciate service
    constructor(private loggerService: LoggerService) {}  // Dependency Injection
  • Cross component communication ( declare 1 event in service which can be listen in 1 component and trigger in another component ).

    // declare the emitter in service instead of declaring in app component
    statusUpdated = new EventEmitter<string>();   
    // emitting status from account component
    // listen from another component
    constructor(private accountService: AccountService) {
        (status: string) => alert('New Status : ' + status);
    // if we done this without using services, have to set emitter then bind property send value listen event alot of things to do, so use service to communicate ... 

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  • If selected routing option when creating project then open app-routing.module.ts

  • <router-outlet></router-outlet> this is the placeholder for show the data in component.

  • Difference between <a href='/user'>User</a> and <a routerLink='/user'>User</a> is routerLink prevents the default behaviour of anchor tag that tends to reload the page.

  • <a routerLink='/user'>User</a> - we should always use /user which is an absolute path, if we use user instead /user it will become a relative path which will cause error i.e
    absolute path = localhost:4200/user
    relative path = localhost:4200/home/user

  • styling active router

    • routerLinkActive='active' this will add the active class to the active route.
  • to prevent the default path active all the time we should use

    • [routerLinkActiveOptions] = '{ exact : true }'
  • route through program

  • fetching route parameters

      // Inject ActivatedRoute
      constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute){}    
        this.userId = this.route.snapshot.params['id'];
        // fetching route parameters reactively
        // the requirement is we want to load data in the params from the same  page it already loaded, 
        // so that route snapshot will not detect the changes. 
        // so we need to use subscribe() of params which is an observable.
        this.paramsSubscription = this.route.params().subscribe(
          (params: Params) => this.userId = params['id'];
      // we need to unsubscribe the above observable by using Subscription
      import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
      paramsSubscription: Subscription;
  • passing query params and fragments

    • query params ex : localhost:4200/user/10?mode=edit#focus
    • pass query params to the route in html
        [routerLink]="[ '/user', 10 ]"
        [queryParams]="{ mode : 'edit' }"
        {{ }}
    • pass query params to the route through program
      onLoadServer(id: number){
          [ '/user', id ], 
            queryParams : { 
              mode : 'edit'
          fragment : 'focus'
  • nested routing

    • all the child routes of a main route are called nested routes
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: '', component: HomeComponent },
        { path: 'users', component: UsersComponent },
        { path: 'users/:id', component: UserComponent }
      // in the above code there are 2 user routes the second 1 is child route of first one.
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: '', component: HomeComponent },
        { path: 'users', component: UsersComponent , 
          children: [
            { path: ':id', component: UserComponent }
    • need to add <router-outlet></router-outlet> to the UsersComponent as it is the parent component else the children component will try to override the main outlet and cause error.
  • handling query params

    • to preserve the existing query params we will use
        this.router.navigate(['/servers'], { queryParamsHandling : 'preserve' });
  • Redirect and Wildcard Routes

    • when we need to redirect to another path
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: 'users', component: UsersComponent },
        { path: 'wrong-url', redirectTo: '/not-found' },
      // it's not possible to list all wrong-urls so we should use wildcard route
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: 'users', component: UsersComponent },
        { path: '**', redirectTo: '/not-found' },
      // Wildcard Routes should always be in the last route
      // if we need to redirect when nothing in the path i.e '' it will cause error, to fix this we need the following
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: '', redirectTo: '/home', pathMatch: 'full' },
  • Route Guards

    • Prevent routes to be accesible from unauthorized source
      // auth-guard.service.ts
      import { 
      } from '@angular/router';
      import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
      export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
        constructor(private authService: AuthService, private router: Router){}
        CanActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean {
          return this.authService.isAuthenticated().then(
            (authenticated : boolean) => {
              if (authenticated)
                return true;
      // app-routing.module.ts
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: 'users', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], component: UsersComponent },
        { path: '**', redirectTo: '/not-found' },
      // CanActivateChild
      // CanDeactivate
    • Passing static data to a route
      const appRoute: Routes = [
        { path: 'users', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], component: UsersComponent },
        { path: '**', component: ErrorComponent, data: { 'message':'Page Not Found' } },
      errorMessage: string;
      constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute){}
          (data: Data) => {
            this.errorMessage = data['message'];
    • Resolver - Runs before a route load to insure the data it depends is there.
      // recipes-resolver.service.ts
        route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
        state: RouterStateSnapshot
      ): Recipe[] | Observable<Recipe[]> | Promise<Recipe[]> {
        return this.dataStorageService.fetchRecipes();
  • Location Strategies

    • We should use Hash mode in production server for routing, because production doesn't understand the single page routing. It will search for the file and folders for the route for example /users server will search for users folder and index.html file of it. So we need to configure our app by using Hash mode.
    // app-routing.module.ts
        imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true })],
        exports: [RouterModule],
    // this will convert the url with a # before the route

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  • An Observables can be called as data source.

  • Various data sources like User input events, Http Requests, Triggred in code etc.

  • The other end is the Observer which is our code. We can do Handle Data, Handle Error, Handle Completion.

  • Let's create our own observable

      import { interval, Subscription, Observable } from 'rxjs';
      private firstObsSubscription: Subscription;
        // let's use interval observable provided by rxjs
        this.firstObsSubscription = interval(1000).subscribe(count => {
        // create own observable
        const customIntervalObservable = Observable.create(observer => {
          let count = 0;
            if(count > 10){
              observer.error(new Error('Count is greater than 10'));    // Handle Error
            if(count === 10){
              observer.complete();    // Handle Completion
          }, 1000)
        this.firstObsSubscription = customIntervalObservable.subscribe(data => {
          console.log(data);    // Handle Data
        }, error => {
        }, () => {
          console.log('Observable Completed');
      // when we don't need the data from an observable we have to unsubscribe the subscription
      ngOnDestroy(): void {
  • Observable Operators

    • Sometimes we need to modify the data we got from observables, there operators will be usefull because operators comes in between observables and subscription data.
      import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
      // we need to modify the data exclude 0 and other data to include ( Round : + data )
        filter((data : number) => {
          return data > 0;
        map((data : number) => {
          return 'Round : ' + data;
      ).subscribe(data => console.log(data));
  • Subjects

    • Acts similar as event emitter but have more features than it.
      import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
      // emit data from user component to app component using Subject
      // service
      export class UserService{
        activatedEmitter = new Subject<boolean>();
      // user component
      // app component
        this.activatedSub = this.userService.activatedEmitter
        .subscribe( didActivated => this.userActivated = didActivated )

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  1. Template-Driven - Angular infers the Form Object from the DOM
  2. Reactive - Created programmatically and synchronized with the DOM
  • Template-Driven

      <!-- angular will generate the javascript elements from this <form> tag and the ngModel will refer this <input> tag as a control -->
      <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" #form="ngForm">
        <div ngModelGroup="userData" #userdata="ngModelGroup">
          <input type="text" name="username" ngModel /> 
          <button type="submit" [disabled]="!form.valid">Submit</button>
      <!-- ngModelGroup="userData" => group the form data -->
      <!-- #userdata="ngModelGroup" => get access to javascript object -->
      // app.module.ts
      import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
        imports: [FormsModule]
      // app.component.ts
      import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms';
      @ViewChild('form') signupForm: NgForm;
      onSubmit(form: NgForm){
        // access the form data
        // reset form
  • Reactive

      // app.module.ts
      import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
        imports: [ReactiveFormsModule]
      // app.component.ts
      import { FormGroup, FormControl, FormArray, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
      signupForm: FormGroup;
      forbiddenUserNames: any[] = ['Chris', 'Anna'];
        this.signupForm = new FormGroup({
          'username': new FormControl(null, [ Validators.required, this.forbiddenNames.bind(this) ]),
          'email': new FormControl(null, [ Validators.required, ], this.forbiddenEmails ),
          'gender': new FormControl('male'),
          'hobbies': new FormArray([])
      // custom validator
      forbiddenNames(control: FormControl): {[s: string]: boolean}{
        if(this.forbiddenUserNames.indexOf(control.value) !== -1){
          return { 'nameIsForbidden': true };
        return null;
      // custom async validator
      forbiddenEmails(control: FormControl): Promise<any> | Observable<any> {
        const promise = new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
          setTimeout(() => {
            if(control.value === ''){
              resolve({ 'emailIsForbidden': true });
            } else {
          }, 2000);
        return promise;
      <form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" [formGroup]="signupForm">
          <input type="text" name="username" formControlName="username" /> 
          <span *ngIf="signupForm.get('username').invalid && signupForm.get('username').touched">
            Please enter a valid username
          <button type="submit">Submit</button>

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  • Pipes helps to transforms output in the template.

      <p>{{ username | uppercase }}</p>
  • Parameterizing Pipes

      <p>{{ startdate | date:'fullDate' }}</p>
  • Chaining Pipes

      <p>{{ startdate | date:'fullDate' | uppercase }}</p>
      <!-- pipe order is very important - date pipe will apply first then uppercase -->
  • Custom Pipes

      ng generate pipe shared/shorten
      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
        name: 'shorten',
      export class ShortenPipe implements PipeTransform {
        transform(value: any, limit: number): any {
          if (value.length >= limit) return value.substr(0, limit) + ' ...';
          return value;
      <p>{{ recipe.description | shorten:10 }}</p>
  • Async Pipe

      <p>{{ getStatus() | async }}</p>
      selector: 'async-observable-pipe',
      template: '<div><code>observable|async</code>: Time: {{ time | async }}</div>'
    export class AsyncObservablePipeComponent {
      time = new Observable<string>((observer: Observer<string>) => {
        setInterval(() => Date().toString()), 1000);

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  • Communicate with backend and web apis

  • Anatomy of a http request

    • URL (API Endpoint) = /post/1
    • Http Verb = POST,GET,PUT etc
    • Headers (metadata) = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    • Body = {title:"New Post"}
  • Post Request to Firebase

      // app.module.ts
      import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
      imports: [HttpClientModule]
      // posts.service.ts
      import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
      constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
      createPosts(title: string, content: string) {
        const postData: Post = { title, content };
        return<{ name: string }>(this.url, postData);
      // app.component.ts
      import { PostsService } from "./posts.service";
      constructor(private postService: PostsService) {}
      onCreatePost(postData: Post) {
          .createPosts(postData.title, postData.content)
          .subscribe(() => {
  • Error Handling

      onClearPosts() {
        this.postService.deletePosts().subscribe(() => {
          this.loadedPosts = [];
        }, error => {
          this.error = error.message;
  • Headers

      createPosts(title: string, content: string) {
        const postData: Post = { title, content };
        return<{ name: string }>(this.url, postData, {
          headers: new HttpHeaders({ "Custom-Auth": "100190910" })
  • Params

      let searchParams = new HttpParams();
      searchParams = searchParams.append('print','pretty');
      searchParams = searchParams.append('limit','10');
      createPosts(title: string, content: string) {
        const postData: Post = { title, content };
        return<{ name: string }>(this.url, postData, {
          // single param
          // params: new HttpParams().set('print','pretty')
          // url/posts.json?print=pretty
          // multiple params
          params: searchParams 
          // url/posts.json?print=pretty&limit=10
  • Observe

      createPosts(title: string, content: string) {
        const postData: Post = { title, content };
        return<{ name: string }>(this.url, postData, {
          observe: 'response'   // access to the whole response with proper format
      deletePosts() {
        return this.http.delete(this.url,{
          observe: 'events'   // access to the event types
          tap(event => {
          // tap is a rxjs operator used for execute some code without affecting the subscribe function etc.
          if (event.type === HttpEventType.Sent){
            console.log('Response Sent');
  • Change Response Type

      createPosts(title: string, content: string) {
        const postData: Post = { title, content };
        return<{ name: string }>(this.url, postData, {
          responseType: 'json'    // text, xml, blob etc
  • Interceptors

    • Used for intercept the http requests. If need to perform some changes before http call.

    • Request Interceptor

        // auth.interceptor.service.ts
        import { HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest } from "@angular/common/http";
        import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
        import { Observable } from "rxjs";
          providedIn: "root",
        export class AuthInterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor {
          intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
            const modifiedRequest = req.clone({
              headers: req.headers.append("Authorization", "NEuRlvL013A789"),
            console.log("Request Intercept");
            return next.handle(modifiedRequest);
        // app.module.ts
        import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from "@angular/common/http";
        import { AuthInterceptorService } from "./auth-interceptor.service";
        providers: [
            provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
            useClass: AuthInterceptorService,
            multi: true,
    • Response Interceptor

        return next.handle(modifiedRequest).pipe(
          // anything we can do with the response like map, filter etc
          tap(event => {
            if(event.type === HttpEventType.Response){
              console.log("Response Body", event.body);
    • Multiple Interceptor

      • when adding multiple interceptors make sure they in proper order in app.mudule.ts file.

          providers: [
              provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
              useClass: AuthInterceptorService,
              multi: true,
              provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
              useClass: LoggingInterceptorService,
              multi: true,
        // here first AuthInterceptorService will work after that LoggingInterceptorService will work

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  • Signup and Login with auth key

  • How authentication works


  • Signup and Login by using firebase authentication

    signup = {
      "kind": "identitytoolkit#SignupNewUserResponse",
      "idToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjVkMzQwZGRiYzNjNWJhY2M0Y2VlMWZiOWQxNmU5ODM3ZWM2MTYzZWIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ...",
      "email": "",
      "refreshToken": "AOEOulajhbbMsViDBLVapXIScAt18qAnIB..",
      "expiresIn": "3600",
      "localId": "3Ea6cZdhQjfPDhHkIXnQpvIDjUn2"
    login = {
      "kind": "identitytoolkit#VerifyPasswordResponse",
      "localId": "3Ea6cZdhQjfPDhHkIXnQpvIDjUn2",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "",
      "idToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjNmNjcyNDYxOTk4YjJiMzMyYWQ4MTY0ZTFiM2JlN2VkYTY4NDZiMzciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ...",
      "registered": true,
      "refreshToken": "AOEOulYzQ0swKG11aNvXaYsOAVZk_..",
      "expiresIn": "3600"
  • Add token using Interceptors

    export class AuthInterceptorService implements HttpInterceptor {
      constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}
        req: HttpRequest<any>,
        next: HttpHandler
      ): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
        return this.authService.user.pipe(
          exhaustMap((user) => {
            if (!user) return next.handle(req);
            const modifiedRequest = req.clone({
              params: new HttpParams().set('auth', user.token),
            return next.handle(modifiedRequest);

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Dynamic Components

  • Load components programmatically
    • *ngIf

    • Component Factory Resolver

        const alertComFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(AlertComponent);
        const hostViewContainerRef = this.alertHost.viewContainerRef;
        const componentRef = hostViewContainerRef.createComponent(alertComFactory);
        componentRef.instance.message = message;
        // app.module.ts - entryComponents required in angular v < 9

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Modules & Optimizations

  • Angular analyzes NgModules to "understand" your application and its features.

  • Angular modules define all building blocks your app uses: Components, Directives, Services etc.

  • An app requires at least one module (AppModule) but may be split into multiple modules.


  • Core Angular feature are included in Angular modules (e.g. FormsModule) to load them only when needed.

  • You can't use a feature/building block without including it in a module.

  • Shared Module

    • Commonly used features within different modules can be used as shared module.

    • We just need to import the shared module to use the features.

  • Core Modules

    • If we have multiple services in app module providers array, then we can create a core module and put all providers there and just import the core module to app module.
  • Lazy Loading

    • Load the module when it required.
    • Only load the app module and don't load another module at once so that app will faster.
  • Preloading Modules

    • When we lazy load modules it will download the module when it required which will cause little delay in app load to prevent this we can use preloading.
      imports: [
        RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules }),

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  • Use & check environment variables

    // environments/environment.ts
    export const environment = {
      production: false
  • Polish & test code

  • Generate dist files by using command ng build

  • firebase login

  • firebase init

  • Choose the project name and other options

  • firebase deploy

  • Hosting URL: Recipe Book

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  • In a typical angular application we need to store varius data like user login details, product details etc but when application refresh data will be gone to prevent that we need a database. To manage the data within the application before sending to database and after fetching from database is called State Management.


  • In Angular we have RxJS for state management but there is some issues.

    • State can be updated anywhare
    • State is possible mutable
    • Handling side effects (e.g. Http calls) is unclear
    • No specific pattern is enforced
  • Redux to the Rescue - One central Store (Application State) - Services, Components receive state from the central state


  • NgRx is a Angulars implementation of Redux


  • Install NgRX
    • ng add @ngrx/store@latest

    • NgRx Effects

      • ng add @ngrx/effects
    • NgRx Store Devtools

      • ng add @ngrx/store-devtools@latest
    • NgRx Router

      • ng add @ngrx/router-store

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  • npm install --save @angular/animations
  • Add the BrowserAnimationsModule to your imports[] array in AppModule
  • This Module needs to be imported from @angular/platform-browser/animations => import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations (in the AppModule!)
  • You then import trigger , state , style etc from @angular/animations instead of @angular/core ( compering with angular 4 )
    // box animation
    trigger('divAnimate', [
      state('normal', style({
        transform: 'translateX(0)',
      state('highlighted', style({
        transform: 'translateX(100px)'
      //transition('normal => highlighted', animate(1000)),
      //transition('highlighted => normal', animate(1000))

      transition('normal <=> highlighted', animate(1000))
      // from any state to shrunken use * (wildcard)
      transition('shrunken <=> *', [
          backgroundColor: 'orange'
        animate(1000, style({
          borderRadius: '50px'

    // list animation
      state('in', style({
        opacity: 1,
        transform: 'translateX(0)'
      transition('void => *', [
          opacity: 0,
          transform: 'translateX(-100px)'
      transition('* => void', [
        animate(300, style({
          opacity: 0,
          transform: 'translateX(100px)'

    // keyframes
      state('in', style({
        opacity: 1,
        transform: 'translateX(0)'
      transition('void => *', [
        animate(1000, keyframes([
            transform: 'translateX(-100px)',
            transform: 'translateX(-50px)',
            transform: 'translateX(-20px)',
            transform: 'translateX(0px)',

    // group
    transition('* => void', [
        animate(300, style({
          color: 'red'
        animate(300, style({
          opacity: 0,
          transform: 'translateX(100px)'

state = "normal";
<div [@divAnimate]="state" class="animDiv"></div>

<!-- animation callbacks -->
<div class="animDiv" 
  [@divAnimate] = "state"
  (@divAnimate.start) = "animationStarted($event)"
  (@divAnimate.done) = "animationEnded($event)"

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Service Workers

  • Service worker manages all pages (js, css, font) and cached for available offline.
  • ng add @angular/pwa
// ngsw-config.json
"dataGroups": [
    "name": "posts",
    "urls": [
    "cacheConfig": [
      "maxSize": 5,
      "maxAge": "12h" //1d, 1h, 50m etc
      "timeout": "10s",
      "strategy": "freshness" // performance

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  • Test file => .spec.ts
decribe('Component: User', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
      declarations: [ UserComponent ]

  it('should create the app', () => {
    let fixture = TextBed.createComponent(UserComponent);
    let app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;

  it('should use the user name from the service', () => {
    let fixture = TextBed.createComponent(UserComponent);
    let app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
    let userService = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(UserService);
  • ng test

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