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[Mono.Android] Use mono_unhandled_exception for NET6 (#6104)
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Context: dotnet/runtime#55904 (comment)
Context: #4927 (comment)
Context: #4927 (comment)
Context: xamarin/monodroid@7d62dec
Context: dotnet/runtime@15ab9f9

Xamarin.Android has been using the `AppDomain.DoUnhandledException()`
internal API since 2015 (xamarin/monodroid@7d62dec1) to propagate
uncaught Java exceptions to the managed world.

However, `AppDomain.DoUnhandledException()` was an internal API which
was *removed* from MonoVM as part of the .NET 6 effort in

For .NET 6, instead of calling the no-longer-present
`AppDomain.DoUnhandledException()` method, call the
[`mono_unhandled_exception()` embedding API][0], which in turn raises
the `AppDomain.UnhandledException` event.

Add a new internal call, `JNIEnv.monodroid_unhandled_exception()`,
which is used on .NET 6 to invoke `mono_unhandled_exception()`.

Add an on-device integration test which ensures that the uncaught
exceptions are propagated as required.

  • Loading branch information
grendello authored and jonpryor committed Jul 22, 2021
1 parent 8ca2895 commit fcf2793
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Showing 4 changed files with 229 additions and 1 deletion.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/Mono.Android/Android.Runtime/JNIEnv.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,9 @@ static void ManualJavaObjectDispose (Java.Lang.Object obj)

static Action<Exception> mono_unhandled_exception = null!;
static Action<AppDomain, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs> AppDomain_DoUnhandledException = null!;
#endif // ndef NETCOREAPP

static void Initialize ()
Expand All @@ -253,6 +255,7 @@ static void Initialize ()
mono_unhandled_exception = (Action<Exception>) Delegate.CreateDelegate (typeof(Action<Exception>), mono_UnhandledException);

if (AppDomain_DoUnhandledException == null) {
var ad_due = typeof (AppDomain)
.GetMethod ("DoUnhandledException",
Expand All @@ -265,8 +268,14 @@ static void Initialize ()
typeof (Action<AppDomain, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs>), ad_due);
#endif // ndef NETCOREAPP

extern static void monodroid_unhandled_exception (Exception javaException);
#endif // def NETCOREAPP

internal static void PropagateUncaughtException (IntPtr env, IntPtr javaThreadPtr, IntPtr javaExceptionPtr)
if (!PropagateExceptions)
Expand All @@ -287,14 +296,18 @@ internal static void PropagateUncaughtException (IntPtr env, IntPtr javaThreadPt
try {
var jltp = javaException as JavaProxyThrowable;
Exception? innerException = jltp?.InnerException;
var args = new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs (innerException ?? javaException, isTerminating: true);

Logger.Log (LogLevel.Info, "MonoDroid", "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION:");
Logger.Log (LogLevel.Info, "MonoDroid", javaException.ToString ());

var args = new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs (innerException ?? javaException, isTerminating: true);
// Disabled until Linker error surfaced in is resolved
//AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DoUnhandledException (args);
AppDomain_DoUnhandledException?.Invoke (AppDomain.CurrentDomain, args);
#else // ndef NETCOREAPP
monodroid_unhandled_exception (innerException ?? javaException);
#endif // def NETCOREAPP
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.Log (LogLevel.Error, "monodroid", "Exception thrown while raising AppDomain.UnhandledException event: " + e.ToString ());
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/monodroid/jni/monodroid-glue-internal.hh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,6 +261,8 @@ namespace xamarin::android::internal

#if defined (NET6)
static void monodroid_unhandled_exception (MonoObject *java_exception);

MonoClass* get_android_runtime_class ();
#else // def NET6
MonoClass* get_android_runtime_class (MonoDomain *domain);
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/monodroid/jni/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <mono/metadata/debug-helpers.h>
#include <mono/metadata/mono-config.h>
#include <mono/metadata/mono-debug.h>
#include <mono/metadata/object.h>
#include <mono/utils/mono-dl-fallback.h>
#include <mono/utils/mono-logger.h>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1009,6 +1010,9 @@ MonodroidRuntime::init_android_runtime (
mono_add_internal_call ("Java.Interop.TypeManager::monodroid_typemap_java_to_managed", reinterpret_cast<const void*>(typemap_java_to_managed));
mono_add_internal_call ("Android.Runtime.JNIEnv::monodroid_typemap_managed_to_java", reinterpret_cast<const void*>(typemap_managed_to_java));
#if defined (NET6)
mono_add_internal_call ("Android.Runtime.JNIEnv::monodroid_unhandled_exception", reinterpret_cast<const void*>(monodroid_unhandled_exception));
#endif // def NET6

struct JnienvInitializeArgs init = {};
init.javaVm = osBridge.get_jvm ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1826,6 +1830,14 @@ MonodroidRuntime::create_and_initialize_domain (JNIEnv* env, jclass runtimeClass
return domain;

#if defined (NET6)
MonodroidRuntime::monodroid_unhandled_exception (MonoObject *java_exception)
mono_unhandled_exception (java_exception);
#endif // def NET6

MonodroidRuntime::typemap_java_to_managed (MonoString *java_type_name)
Expand Down
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions tests/MSBuildDeviceIntegration/Tests/UncaughtExceptionTests.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Xamarin.ProjectTools;

namespace Xamarin.Android.Build.Tests
[Category ("UsesDevice")]
public class UncaughtExceptionTests : DeviceTest
class LogcatLine
public string Text;
public bool Found = false;
public int SequenceNumber = -1;
public int Count = 0;

public void EnsureUncaughtExceptionWorks ()
AssertHasDevices ();

var lib = new XamarinAndroidBindingProject {
ProjectName = "Scratch.Try",
AndroidClassParser = "class-parse",

lib.Imports.Add (
new Import (() => "Directory.Build.targets") {
TextContent = () =>
<JavaSource Include=""java\**\*.java"" />
<AndroidJavaSource Include=""@(JavaSource)"" />
<EmbeddedJar Include=""$(OutputPath)try.jar"" />
<Target Name=""_BuildJar""
<RemoveDir Directories=""$(_Classes)""/>
<MakeDir Directories=""$(_Classes)"" />
<Exec Command=""$(Javac) -source $(JavacSourceVersion) -target $(JavacTargetVersion) -d &quot;$(_Classes)&quot; @(JavaSource->'&quot;%(Identity)&quot;', ' ')"" />
<Exec Command=""$(Jar) cf &quot;$(OutputPath)try.jar&quot; -C &quot;$(_Classes)&quot; ."" />

lib.Sources.Add (
new BuildItem.NoActionResource ("java\\testing\\") {
Encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding (encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false),
TextContent = () =>
@"package testing;
public final class Run {
private Run() {
public static interface CatchThrowableHandler {
void onCatch(Throwable t);
public static final void tryCatchFinally (Runnable r, CatchThrowableHandler c, Runnable f) {
try {;
catch (Throwable t) {
finally {;

var app = new XamarinAndroidApplicationProject {
ProjectName = "Scratch.JMJMException",

app.SetDefaultTargetDevice ();
app.AddReference (lib);

app.Sources.Remove (app.GetItem ("MainActivity.cs"));

string mainActivityTemplate = @"using System;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Testing;
namespace Scratch.JMJMException
[Register (""${JAVA_PACKAGENAME}.MainActivity""), Activity (Label = ""${PROJECT_NAME}"", MainLauncher = true, Icon = ""@drawable/icon"")]
public class MainActivity : Activity
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
Button b = new Button (this) {
Text = ""Click Me!"",
Testing.Run.TryCatchFinally (
new Java.Lang.Runnable (() => {
Console.WriteLine (""#UET-1# jon: Should be in a Java > Managed [MainActivity.OnCreate] > Java [Run.tryCatchFinally] > Managed [Run] frame. Throwing an exception..."");
Console.WriteLine (new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(fNeedFileInfo: true).ToString());
throw new Exception (""Should be in a Java > Managed [MainActivity.OnCreate] > Java [Run.tryCatchFinally] > Managed [Run] frame. Throwing an exception..."");
new MyCatchHandler (),
new Java.Lang.Runnable (() => {
Console.WriteLine ($""#UET-3# jon: from Java finally block"");
SetContentView (b);
class MyCatchHandler : Java.Lang.Object, Run.ICatchThrowableHandler
public void OnCatch (Java.Lang.Throwable t)
Console.WriteLine ($""#UET-2# jon: MyCatchHandler.OnCatch: t={t.ToString()}"");
string mainActivity = app.ProcessSourceTemplate (mainActivityTemplate);
app.Sources.Add (
new BuildItem.Source ("MainActivity.cs") {
TextContent = () => mainActivity

var expectedLogLines = new LogcatLine[] {
new LogcatLine { Text = "#UET-1#" },
new LogcatLine { Text = "#UET-2#" },
new LogcatLine { Text = "#UET-3#" },

string path = Path.Combine ("temp", TestName);
using (var libBuilder = CreateDllBuilder (Path.Combine (path, lib.ProjectName)))
using (var appBuilder = CreateApkBuilder (Path.Combine (path, app.ProjectName))) {
Assert.True (libBuilder.Build (lib), "Library should have built.");
Assert.IsTrue (appBuilder.Install (app), "Install should have succeeded.");

ClearAdbLogcat ();

AdbStartActivity ($"{app.PackageName}/{app.JavaPackageName}.MainActivity");

string logcatPath = Path.Combine (Root, appBuilder.ProjectDirectory, "logcat.log");
int sequenceCounter = 0;
MonitorAdbLogcat (
(string line) => {
foreach (LogcatLine ll in expectedLogLines) {
if (line.IndexOf (ll.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0) {
ll.Found = true;
ll.SequenceNumber = sequenceCounter++;
return false; // we must examine all the lines, and returning `true` aborts the monitoring process
}, logcatPath, 15);

AssertValidLine (0, 0);
AssertValidLine (1, 1);
AssertValidLine (2, 2);

void AssertValidLine (int idx, int expectedSequence)
LogcatLine ll = expectedLogLines [idx];
Assert.IsTrue (ll.Found, $"Logcat line {idx} was not found");
Assert.IsTrue (ll.Count == 1, $"Logcat line {idx} should have been found only once but it was found {ll.Count} times");
Assert.IsTrue (ll.SequenceNumber == expectedSequence, $"Logcat line {idx} sequence number should be {expectedSequence} but it was {ll.SequenceNumber}");

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