- API version: 1.0.0
- Build date: 2025-01-26T15:20:08.698089650Z[Etc/UTC]
- Generator version: 7.12.0-SNAPSHOT
The all-in-one toolbelt for your next Ankama related project.
- Javascript
npm i dofusdude-js --save
- Typescript
npm i dofusdude-ts --save
- Go
go get -u
- Python
pip install dofusdude
- Java Maven with GitHub packages setup
Everything, including this site, is generated out of the Docs Repo. Consider it the Single Source of Truth. If there is a problem with the SDKs, create an issue there.
Your favorite language is missing? Please let me know!
🥷 Seamless Auto-Update load data in the background when a new Dofus version is released and serving it within 10 minutes with atomic data source switching. No downtime and no effects for the user, just always up-to-date.
⚡ Blazingly Fast all data in-memory, aggressive caching over short time spans, HTTP/2 multiplexing, written in Go, optimized for low latency, hosted on bare metal in 🇩🇪.
📨 Almanax Discord Integration Use the endpoints as a dev or the official Web Client as a user.
🩸 Dofus 3 Beta from stable to bleeding edge by replacing /dofus3 with /dofus3beta.
🗣️ Multilingual supporting en, fr, es, pt, de.
🧠 Search by Relevance allowing typos in name and description, handled by language specific text analysis and indexing.
🕵️ Official Sources generated from actual data from the game.
... and much more on the Roadmap on my Discord.
For more information, please visit
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Needed if the 'dofusdude-java' jar has been published to maven central.
mavenLocal() // Needed if the 'dofusdude-java' jar has been published to the local maven repo.
dependencies {
implementation "com.dofusdude:dofusdude-java:1.0.0"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
// Import classes:
import com.dofusdude.client.ApiClient;
import com.dofusdude.client.ApiException;
import com.dofusdude.client.Configuration;
import com.dofusdude.client.model.*;
import com.dofusdude.client.api.AlmanaxApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
AlmanaxApi apiInstance = new AlmanaxApi(defaultClient);
String language = "en"; // String | code
LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse("Sat Jan 25 00:00:00 UTC 2025"); // LocalDate | yyyy-mm-dd
Integer level = 56; // Integer | character level for the reward_xp field
try {
Almanax result = apiInstance.getAlmanaxDate(language, date, level);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AlmanaxApi#getAlmanaxDate");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlmanaxApi | getAlmanaxDate | GET /dofus3/v1/{language}/almanax/{date} | Single Almanax Date |
AlmanaxApi | getAlmanaxRange | GET /dofus3/v1/{language}/almanax | Almanax Range |
ConsumablesApi | getAllItemsConsumablesList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/consumables/all | List All Consumables |
ConsumablesApi | getItemsConsumablesList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/consumables | List Consumables |
ConsumablesApi | getItemsConsumablesSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/consumables/search | Search Consumables |
ConsumablesApi | getItemsConsumablesSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/consumables/{ankama_id} | Single Consumables |
CosmeticsApi | getAllCosmeticsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/cosmetics/all | List All Cosmetics |
CosmeticsApi | getCosmeticsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/cosmetics | List Cosmetics |
CosmeticsApi | getCosmeticsSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/cosmetics/search | Search Cosmetics |
CosmeticsApi | getCosmeticsSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/cosmetics/{ankama_id} | Single Cosmetics |
EquipmentApi | getAllItemsEquipmentList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/equipment/all | List All Equipment |
EquipmentApi | getItemsEquipmentList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/equipment | List Equipment |
EquipmentApi | getItemsEquipmentSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/equipment/search | Search Equipment |
EquipmentApi | getItemsEquipmentSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/equipment/{ankama_id} | Single Equipment |
GameApi | getGameSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/search | Game Search |
GameApi | getItemsAllSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/search | Search All Items |
MetaApi | getGameSearchTypes | GET /{game}/v1/meta/search/types | Available Game Search Types |
MetaApi | getItemTypes | GET /{game}/v1/meta/items/types | Available Item Types |
MetaApi | getMetaAlmanaxBonuses | GET /dofus3/v1/meta/{language}/almanax/bonuses | Available Almanax Bonuses |
MetaApi | getMetaAlmanaxBonusesSearch | GET /dofus3/v1/meta/{language}/almanax/bonuses/search | Search Available Almanax Bonuses |
MetaApi | getMetaElements | GET /{game}/v1/meta/elements | Effects and Condition Elements |
MetaApi | getMetaVersion | GET /{game}/v1/meta/version | Game Version |
MountsApi | getAllMountsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/mounts/all | List All Mounts |
MountsApi | getMountsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/mounts | List Mounts |
MountsApi | getMountsSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/mounts/search | Search Mounts |
MountsApi | getMountsSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/mounts/{ankama_id} | Single Mounts |
QuestItemsApi | getAllItemsQuestList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/quest/all | List All Quest Items |
QuestItemsApi | getItemQuestSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/quest/{ankama_id} | Single Quest Items |
QuestItemsApi | getItemsQuestList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/quest | List Quest Items |
QuestItemsApi | getItemsQuestSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/quest/search | Search Quest Items |
ResourcesApi | getAllItemsResourcesList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/resources/all | List All Resources |
ResourcesApi | getItemsResourceSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/resources/search | Search Resources |
ResourcesApi | getItemsResourcesList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/resources | List Resources |
ResourcesApi | getItemsResourcesSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/items/resources/{ankama_id} | Single Resources |
SetsApi | getAllSetsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/sets/all | List All Sets |
SetsApi | getSetsList | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/sets | List Sets |
SetsApi | getSetsSearch | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/sets/search | Search Sets |
SetsApi | getSetsSingle | GET /{game}/v1/{language}/sets/{ankama_id} | Single Sets |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhooksAlmanaxId | DELETE /webhooks/almanax/{id} | Unregister Almanax Hook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhooksRssId | DELETE /webhooks/rss/{id} | Unregister RSS Hook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhooksTwitterId | DELETE /webhooks/twitter/{id} | Unregister Twitter Hook |
WebhooksApi | getMetaWebhooksAlmanax | GET /meta/webhooks/almanax | Get Almanax Hook Metainfo |
WebhooksApi | getMetaWebhooksRss | GET /meta/webhooks/rss | Get RSS Hook Metainfo |
WebhooksApi | getMetaWebhooksTwitter | GET /meta/webhooks/twitter | Get Twitter Hook Metainfo |
WebhooksApi | getWebhooksAlmanaxId | GET /webhooks/almanax/{id} | Get Almanax Hook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhooksRssId | GET /webhooks/rss/{id} | Get RSS Hook |
WebhooksApi | getWebhooksTwitterId | GET /webhooks/twitter/{id} | Get Twitter Hook |
WebhooksApi | postWebhooksAlmanax | POST /webhooks/almanax | Register Almanax Hook |
WebhooksApi | postWebhooksRss | POST /webhooks/rss | Register RSS Hook |
WebhooksApi | postWebhooksTwitter | POST /webhooks/twitter | Register Twitter Hook |
WebhooksApi | putWebhooksAlmanaxId | PUT /webhooks/almanax/{id} | Update Almanax Hook |
WebhooksApi | putWebhooksRssId | PUT /webhooks/rss/{id} | Update RSS Hook |
WebhooksApi | putWebhooksTwitterId | PUT /webhooks/twitter/{id} | Update Twitter Hook |
- Almanax
- AlmanaxBonus
- AlmanaxTribute
- AlmanaxTributeItem
- AlmanaxWebhook
- AlmanaxWebhookDailySettings
- Condition
- ConditionLeaf
- ConditionNode
- ConditionRelation
- CreateAlmanaxWebhook
- CreateAlmanaxWebhookDailySettings
- CreateAlmanaxWebhookMentionsValueInner
- CreateRSSWebhook
- CreateTwitterWebhook
- Effect
- EffectType
- Equipment
- EquipmentSet
- Error
- GameSearch
- GameSearchItem
- GameSearchType
- GetMetaAlmanaxBonuses200ResponseInner
- GetMetaWebhooksTwitter200Response
- Images
- ItemSubtype
- ListEquipmentSet
- ListEquipmentSets
- ListItem
- ListItemGeneral
- ListItems
- ListMounts
- Mount
- MountFamily
- PagedLinks
- PutAlmanaxWebhook
- PutRSSWebhook
- PutTwitterWebhook
- Range
- Recipe
- Resource
- RssWebhook
- TranslatedId
- TwitterWebhook
- Version
- Weapon
Endpoints do not require authorization.
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.