This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Project for XIAO RP2040 mcu with st7789 screen and rotary encoder. In some ways the little brother of and using components and libraries from the usb_midi_clocker project.
The aim here is to have a flexible and extensible MIDI generator based on the mutating Euclidian features from drum2musocv, but aiming to be a bit more modular and extensible.
- 8hp Eurorack panel
- USB-Type C input for syncing to USB MIDI clock and sending out MIDI
- 3 bipolar CV inputs (using Pimoroni ADC board)
- TRS MIDI out for sending 16+ rhythm tracks to a MIDIMUSO-CV12 board (or other MIDI devices!).
- mymenu
- midihelpers
- parameters
- seqlib
- patched Encoder library
- Vortigont LinkedList library
patched bodme/TFT_eSPI librarydont think this needed anymore?- Adafruit TinyUSB library patched with my patch from adafruit/Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino#238
- vscode+platformio+earlephilhower core
- the TFT_eSPI gfx library by Bodmer for fast DMA writes
- Use env:pcb with -DBUILD_PCB
- WIP PCB & panels in KiCAD and Gerber format here - don't use these yet without checking with the author for any problems/new versions!
- I'm using These small TFT screens
- And These encoders
- These +/-24v ADC breakout boards
- Use env:pcb with -DBUILD_BREADBOARD
Seeed XIAO RP2040 pins. Counting clockwise starting from top-right:-
D10/MOSI -> ST7789 SPI
D9/MISO -> back button (swapped with D0 on PCB version)
D8/SCK -> ST7789 SCK
D7/CS -> ST7789 CS
D6 -> UART MIDI out
D5 -> i2c scl (for adc)
D4 -> i2c sda (for adc)
D3 -> Encoder right
D2 -> Encoder left
D1 -> Encoder button
D0 -> ST7789 DC (swapped with D9 on PCB version)
Implement a basic sequencerwith Euclidian stuff on top of that- menus for controlling such
- modulate the parameters from
cv ormidi input
- modulate the parameters from
make a nice graphical display widget for it
- 'screensaver' mode with big indicators of position and triggering notes
- Other sequencer types
- eg raga sequencer that loads .mid files
- MIDI input (via USB, for setting options,
clock sync,forwarding notes and drums)- options to enable/disable all this
- MIDI output (
via TRS/DIN, for sending clock, triggers, notesand ~triggerable envelopes/LFO~~)basic hacky approach is working- standard gm drum machine option with assignable drum numbers
- midimuso cv trigger+cv modes
- nicer mechanisms for assigning outputs
- options that would allow for modulation
- options to enable/disable all this
- Integrate CV inputs
basic cv input parameterfor controlling parameterslow-memory version of the mapping tool, since providing options for all options of 20 tracks uses 100K+ and takes us over the available RAM!maybe for clock too?- implement CV input 'reset'
Setting a per-parameter range for modulation- Port Pitch CV->MIDI and chord quantisation stuff from usb_midi_clocker
- MIDI inputs for controlling parameters
- Configurable MIDI inputs for control surfaces from host USB
- Accept baked-in CCs to configure settings (similar to how drum2musocv already does it, perhaps)
- Figure out a way to provide storage, to save presets and templates/.mid files?
just save to the internal flash via LittleFS!DONErudimentary save/load of parameter mappingsDONE- allow configuration of the output devices/channels..
- add other settings+things to be saved/recalled..?
- Load/save settings and presets to the flash
- Other sequencer types
- eg raga sequencer that loads .mid files
- Free up pins..?
- use an i2c rotary encoder: frees up 3(!) pins; could use the rgb encoder for extra feedback; more difficult to fit neatly under a panel due to the i2c board...
- or, just use a Pico or Waveshare Zero instead of the XIAO and don't worry about not having enough pins!
- Stutter/Ratchetting
- Per-track note duration, with modulation
- "Stick on the current pattern" control; A/B controls
- Optional logic gates on the triggers (including 'mult-limbed-drummer' options)
- an enhanced 'Density' control that keeps the same rhythm, but fills in gaps?
- 'euclidian within euclidian'? so eg we fill in triggers in between other triggers?
- rhythm-synced LFO that sets a cycle of the waveform to the length between triggers
- Ability to boot up as a USB flash drive, for copying files to/from the LittleFS flash?
Allow holding a button to go into firmware update mode before running much code at all as a failsafe against bad code that won't complete setup() or first loop()DONE, hold both buttons while booting up to go straight into firmware update/uf2 mode
- Trying to Serial.print() from the second core (screen+CV input) while serial is connected will hang the display!
- Trying to Serial.print() generally seems to be unreliable and likely to cause crashes
- Occasional glitching of output name display when on some track pages; intermittent crashes bizarrely happening when rendering output labels on pattern page;
probably caused by something overwriting selected output slot or something similar?????- worked around this by caching the label in OutputSelectorControl, but will probably still cause crashes if displaying a list of Output names
- Slow loading presets causing pauses and problems
- we don't seem to get around to doing a menu update_ticks() for every tick, so the ParameterInputDisplay graph appears very noisy unless backfilling values. even updating it from a callback for every parameter input read() didnt seem to be fast enough. so might mean that very fast changes are being missed..
- Sometimes crashes waiting for USB MIDI or something... suspect perhaps garbled USB MIDI is cause?
- Actually, think this is the bug in the TinyUSB library that is fixed/worked around by my simple patch mentioned in
- Soft reboot when using uClock crashes/does not start up properly - works fine from cold boot/first power on though
- Basic engine for BPM and internal/external clock (based on midihelpers/usb_midi_clocker code)
- Basic display and encoder for changing options
- Fix redrawing problem due to no framebuffer in the TFT_eSPI library (can we just use that buffer wrapper library?)
- Named MIDI outputs ("kick", "snare", etc, "bassline")
- Menu options and hotkeys to force reboot + firmware update modes:
- Hold BACK button for 4 seconds to reboot (useful if the screen hasn't started up after a cold boot, or similar)
- Hold BACK button for 4 seconds while holding encoder button for 3 seconds to go into firmware update mode
- FIXED: Screen doesn't turn on first time on the revision 1 hardware, don't know why. Hold the 'back' button for 4+ seconds to force a reboot and it will usually start working!
- Tried: adding a 47k pullup resistor from CS->BLK
- Tried: adding a delay before setup
- Tried+fixed: added pullup resistor to display RES pin