sqlite writing queue #524
GitHub Actions / Integration Test Report
Feb 24, 2025 in 1s
43 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ reports/jest-junit.xml
43 tests were completed in 255s with 43 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ integration-tests/accounts.test.ts
✅ expect to have created accounts
✅ expect to have valid KeyringPair on each account
✅ expect to import account from mnemonic
✅ expect to import account from JSON
✅ integration-tests/biometric-plugin.test.ts
Biometric Plugin
✅ should create enrollment credential
✅ should create bbs+ biometric match credential
✅ should remove old biometric match credential
✅ should create vpi biometric match credential
✅ integration-tests/cheqd-credentials.test.ts
Cheq integration tests
✅ should verify a non ZKP cheqd credential
✅ integration-tests/cloud-wallet.test.ts
Cloud wallet
✅ should see a document added directly to the EDV appear in the wallet after pulling
✅ should sync a document added to the wallet to the EDV
✅ should update a document in the wallet and see it updated in the EDV
✅ should handle concurrent updates to the same document sequentially
✅ should handle updating and deleting a document
✅ should remove a document from the wallet and see it removed from the EDV
✅ should have zero sync marker diff after pushing sync marker
✅ should detect sync marker diff after updating sync marker directly in EDV
✅ should unsubscribe from all events listeners
✅ integration-tests/credential-distribution.test.ts
Credential Distribution
✅ should receive a credential issued to the wallet DID
✅ should receive multiple credentials issued to multiple wallet DIDs
✅ integration-tests/custom-networks.test.ts
Custom networks
✅ should have documents only on mainnet
✅ should add document to mumbai without affecting polygon
✅ integration-tests/ecosystem-tools.test.ts
BBS+ presentations
✅ should fetch ecosystem tools for the given issuer
✅ should fetch verifiers for the given registry
✅ integration-tests/subscan.test.ts
subscan integration
✅ should fetch transactions using subscan APIs
✅ integration-tests/switch-wallet.test.ts
Switch wallet
✅ expect switch to tesnet and have an empty wallet
✅ expect switch to tesnet and have an empty wallet
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/bbs-plus-expired.test.ts
BBS+ presentations
✅ should fail to verify expired credential
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/bbs-plus-revocation.test.ts
BBS+ revocation
✅ should verify a revokable bbs+ credential
✅ should verify a revokable bbs+ credential with an updated witness
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/bbs-plus-valid.test.ts
BBS+ presentations
✅ should verify valid bbs+ credential
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/cheqd-revocation.test.ts
BBS+ revocation cheqd
✅ should verify a revokable bbs+ credential issued on cheqd
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/range-proofs.test.ts
Range proofs verification
✅ should create range proofs presentation without subject
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/sales-demo-auto-loan.test.ts
BBS+ presentations
✅ should verify an auto loan proof request
✅ integration-tests/verification-flow/vpi-verification.test.ts
VPI verification
✅ should verify a vpi credential
✅ integration-tests/wallet-backup.test.ts
Wallet backups
✅ expect to import wallet from backup
✅ expect to export wallet backup
✅ integration-tests/wallet-snapshot-v1.test.ts
Wallet Snapshot V1
✅ expect to have load all documents
✅ expect to have load accounts
✅ expect to have loaded DIDs
✅ expect to have loaded credentials
✅ expect to have loaded Verification Templates
✅ integration-tests/wallet-to-wallet-verification.test.ts
Wallet to Wallet Verification
✅ should get OOB message to be shared as QR code