Being a student research assistant for SAWI course during autumn 2017/2018 at FAU, the task was to prepare 2016 USA Presidential debate
dataset that could have been passed to the students, for their analysis.
Data Source in question:
Specifically, the first presidential debate in the USA that was held in 2016. See its Readme
file as well.
See that MEGA folder for the whole twitter dataset (~15 GB; Log file ~ 200 MB). You have to ask me for the key to see files!
The final idea was to have 5 groups and provide each of them slightly different dataset according to when people have tweeted about it, i.e. wheather it was before, during or after the debate.
In summary, the objective would be to gather 5 samples, each of 5000 tweets:
1 sample before the debate has began
3 samples during the debate
1 sample after the debate shows some statistics for the final CSV samples. See RPubs
folder for more.
Download tweets because that .txt
file will just contain the Tweet IDs. Not the whole content of the tweet itself.
We have used TWARC from
First, get Twitter DEV API Keys from Then, place them into:
twarc configure
After that,
twarc hydrate first-debate.txt > all_first_tweets.jsonl
It takes hours...
Why? Well, because the original 13.5 GB jsonl
file will be hard to read in any programm. So dont try R + limited RAM!
You could use for that
Alternatively, you could split txt file into multiple files and only then apply previous twarc
Something like
split -b 1M -d first-debate.txt file
Why? Because jsonl files are hard to work with.
Execute for each file, depending on your PC and twarc itself:
python xaa.jsonl -o xaa.csv
python3 xaa.jsonl -o xaa.csv
You can also try:
python xae -o xae.csv
CSV delimiter will be ";"
Overall, this will create very large CSV files at around 250 MB. And we still need samples of those.
Again, alternatively, you can take one large JSONL file and convert it to one large CSV file which you can later split as well.
Analyse Data in order to understand time when tweets have been published ;)
head -n 5 xae.csv
The outcome:
xaa -> before debate: from 12 PM EST till 18:30 EST
xab -> before debate: from 18:30 EST till 21:00 EST
(first debate was from 21:00 till 22:35)
xac -> during debate: from 20:47 EST till 22:40 EST
xad -> after debate: from 22:40 EST till 01:20 AM EST
xae -> after debate: from 01:20 AM EST till 06:20 AM EST
xaf -> after debate: from 06:20 AM EST till 09:40 AM EST
xag -> .... (rest)
Use R script process_data.R
to apply proper formatting.
You can also go faster (but not more reliable), where in case of xa{a,b}.csv 250MB files, you could execute via bash:
shuf -n 2500 xaa.csv > xaa_sample_2500.csv
shuf -n 2500 xab.csv > xab_sample_2500.csv
Having those, only then you would use process_data.R
which contains something along the lines:
mt <- fread("xaa.csv") # or xaa_sample_2500.csv directly - depending on previous steps
mt <- mt[sample(.N, 2500)]
fwrite(mt, "xaa_sample_2500.csv", sep = ";")
On Windows, type commands like:
type xad_sample_1500.csv xae_sample_2500.csv xag_sample_1000.csv> after_sample_5000.csv
type xaa_sample_2500.csv xab_sample_2500.csv > before_random_sample_5000.csv
type after_sample_1000.csv xae_sample_1000.csv xaf_sample_2500.csv xag_sample_2500.csv > after_random_sample_5000.csv
# combine 2500*2 tweets from the time before the debate into 5000 pieces
type before_sample_2500_a.csv before_sample_2500_b.csv > before_sample_5000.csv
Download tweets manually, looking for tweets that include specific #hastags
. Then store them in the database from which you can then query them. See that folder and Python Notebooks.