This guide applies only for Single Page Application (SPA)
Show loading
Progressive loading. (facebook news feed example) Show mock and load content after.
Use AppShell link
Use event capturing and reproduce events after load (App shell)
- Load script while user fills fields or read some information
No more then 7 connections to the server in the same time.
- Inline images
- Inline js
- Inline css
Ordering of loading
- Index.html
async loading of css/jsdeffer
for js (??)- why we put <script> into end of the index.htm (???)
- http/2 file loading order (???)
Parsing js/ First paint (???)
Reduce HTTP Requests (time to connect with server)
- DNS resolve(chaching DNS)
- Inline js, html, json
Images optimization
- JPG 80 vs JPG 100 critical/non critical
- SVG when possible
- FontIcons vs SVG or compile your own (???)
- Custom fonts vs SVG
- Inline base64 vs separated files
- Images Retina (Sprites are dead) (???)
- webp (???)
- Images alternative text with size
<img alt='' width='' height='' />
- Save with optimization (???) photoshop save as
- Desktop app for Windows FileOptimizer
Gzip one file VS. many Gzip + many bundles
- brotli
- option on the server
Caching files
- ngnix, Apache, IIS
Fast delivery
Code minification
ng build --prod
Lazy loading / Preloading
Angular modules (??)
- Example for login page. LoginPageModule without dependencies. UnAutorazedUser.
- Lazy-loading + preloading stratagy (???) (link)[]
Load images that only on the screen
Analyse files
- web pack bundle anyliser (???)
Delivery only what is needed
- Reduce first bundle
- Optimise critical pages
Virtual scroll
Reduce DOM elements
Web workers for highly performance calculations
- angular prefetching modules from links (???) example code
(???) Define types of application and provide check lists
- Admin panels
- User panel
Mobile application
Landing pages
Site builder