8+ years of commercial software development and programming for 11+ years. In addition, I have about 2 year of leading experience.
Focus on modern technologies, code quality, development process optimizations, architecture and performance.
Solid experience with TypeScript, React, Redux, MUI and different FE libs; advanced dev-skills; strong adaptive and cross-browser layout; good knowledges about FE- architectures, methodologies and approaches; setup of the FE apps. Worked with express.js, Nest.js.
Leading, onboarding, mentoring and interviewing experience; nice communication skills; good UX insight & product focus.
Took part in 5 fin-tech projects; worked both in small and large projects with a distributed development teams.
I often learn new things and put them into practice.
- HTML, Handlebars, Pug
- CSS, SCSS, less, PostCSS, styled-components, emotion, Bootstrap, Tailwindcss
- JS, JS+Flow.js, TS
- JQuery, Dojo Toolkit, React, Nextjs
- Redux, MobX, Effector, Zustand, @tanstack/react-query, ebay/nice-modal-react; Redux-Saga, Thunk, RTK
- Redux-forms, React-final-form, React-hook-form, zod, yup
- React-i18next, next-intl, react-intl
- MaterialUI, TailwindUI, Shadcn, Mantine, AntDesign and customization of different react components like rc-*, rating-stars, scrollbars and etc.
- Jest, vitest, Enzyme, Testing Library, Playwright, Storybook
- lodash, radash, ramda, axios
- moment, luxon, date-fns
- chart.js, react-chartjs-2, google-charts
- Setup eslint, prettier, husky
- Nodejs, Express, Nest
- passportjs, simple-oauth2, bcrypt
- class-validator, class-transformer, inversify, @hapi/...
- @google-cloud/..., swagger, node-cache
- Prisma, TypeORM, sequelize, mongoose, Supabase
- Postgresql, mongoDB
- Frontend and Backend app starter (setup from zero)
- REST, WebSocket, WebRTC(SDK)
- auth, OAuth2, jwt, cookies, storages
- third-party services integrations (Mollie PSP)
- npm/yarn/pnpm, webpack/vite/turbopack, Turborepo
- i18n, i18-next, react-intl