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Releases: dmaone/CommonSense

FC v1.0.5.0, CS 2.2: host mode (Win/Mac for now)

24 Dec 03:38
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FC v1.0.4.1: resend lost USB packets (because ARM Macs are utter crap HID-wise)

25 Oct 06:47
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FC v1.0.4.0, firmware v2.1: USB-PS/2 converter

19 Aug 07:44
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* remove debug wires from Kitprog-PS2
* fix TimerIRQ incorrectly being LEVEL in several projects
* re-save .cyprj with newer PSoC creator version to avoid later
  unrelated changes.

v1.0.3.0: v2.0 firmware support (mostly)

17 Jul 22:15
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qt5.15.2 build

30 Nov 18:26
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v1.0.2.1 - qt 5.15.2

Pedals (dedicated-GPIO switches) support

16 Jan 05:36
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CommonSense supports standalone switches now.

Also QT updated to 5.15

Happy 2021!

Key blinker support for LEDs mode, matrix sanity diagnostics

29 Feb 22:01
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"solenoid" blinks the ExpHdr2 in all modes now. This means ScrLock LED had to move, and xwhatsit expansion header compatibility is lost. And this is fine - if I ever make a custom hardware, it will have incompatible expansion header which will not fry any of the components if plugged in reverse (or have a key ensuring correct orientation).
Since this is a major change - firmware is bumped to 1.1 and software to

When sanity check trips - matrix monitor and threshold editor will display the noisy cells in red after couple of seconds.

Fixed handling of empty layout cells - they no longer produce random scancodes.

Built with qt 5.14.1


15 Dec 03:54
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Should support microswitch 4-terminal switches now.
Don't have any so can't tell if it really does :D

Make zero threshold Special

04 Nov 06:10
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Setting a key threshold to zero ignores it's output.

This release breaks non-capacitive non-inductive firmwares (impossible to change layout) - but nobody uses those except me so you will be fine.

It's not just good, it's good enough!

20 Jul 23:29
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I fixed the last bug(tm)

Requires matching firmware (1.0 or better), otherwise keyboard won't leave setup mode when closing FlightController. You still can do so manually before exiting.