- 👀 I write about my experiences, tinkering projects and other moments of revelation on my blog, at daniel.scheufler.io
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to support multiple frameworks from the same UI codebase, enterprise coaching, and practicing effectiveness.
- 🥅 2023 Goals: I am running the Improving Talks Initiative, selecting and promoting content. And I am building a content business! You can read more on my Now Page
- Speed of learning limits speed of change!
- Pursue Desirable Difficult
- Behavioral Markers for Work Interruptions
- Beat the New Year's Resolution Odds
- Your Organization Probably Skipped Practice
- The Effective Executive Conclusion
- Effective Decisions
- Elements of Decision Making Part 2
- Elements of Decision Making Part 1
- Trailer - Completing the Effective Executive
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