Tableau React component integrated with Tableau JS API.
Based on which is not maintained anymore.
npm install tableau-react-embed --save
import TableauReport from 'tableau-react-embed';
const SimpleReport = props => (
const options = {
height: 100,
width: 100,
hideTabs: false,
// All other vizCreate options are supported here, too
// They are listed here:
const filters = {
Colors: ['Blue', 'Red'],
Sizes: ['Small', 'Medium']
const parameters = {
Param1: 'Value',
Param2: 'Other Value'
// Number of seconds between sending Tableau data refresh requests. 0 = do not automatically refresh (default)
const refreshSeconds = 60 * 5;
const MyReport = props => (
options={options} // vizCreate options
Any parameters or filters that are initially passed will be sent in the vizCreate options, which speeds up initial loading time by not having to apply each one asynchronously after the viz loads.
Once the viz has been loaded, if the parameters/filters change but the url does not, only the changed parameters/filters will be applied asynchronously in order to optimize performance.
You can specify the number of seconds to wait before automatically refreshing the data in the Viz using props.refreshSeconds
. Any number less than 1 will cause the data to not be automatically refreshed. This uses the viz.refreshDataAsync() method in the Tableau JS API.
If you change this prop, the timer will be reset and will start waiting for the new number of seconds before triggering the refresh. It will not immediately refresh, but rather wait until the new timer goes off. It will not stop refreshes in progress.
Warning: The next refresh may be called again before the last refresh completes, so make sure to set refreshSeconds high enough to prevent overlap if you use this feature.
Upon initialization, a new Viz will be created. A new Viz will only be
initialized if props.url
changes for performance reasons.
You can authenticate using a trusted ticket, which will be immediately invalidated upon being used, because using it a second time will log the user out.
If props.token
gets updated, it will use it the next time a viz is initialized.
npm install
npm test