Better Fusion Engine is a modding engine that makes Fusion Engine even better!
Links: page ⋅ Newgrounds ⋅ source code on GitHub
- Improved Input System Customization
- Adds "week 7 like"input system as an option (pressing a note when there is no note to hit will make you lose health and points).
- New Accuracy Mode
- Binary mode bases your accuracy on whether or not you hit the note, rather than the timing.
- Easily Port Modding Plus Mods to Fusion in 1 Minute
- Check out this youtube video on how to do it:
- Improved Title Menu
- The entire title menu can be customized! Go to assets/data/titleState.txt and see for your self.
- Note Splashes
- Turn off or on note splashes for when you hit a note!
- CPU Note Glows
- Turn off or on the confirm animation of notes when a cpu hits them! THE OPTIONS I ADD ARE SEPERATED IN MOD EXTRAS
- Custom difficulty
- The only difficulties are easy, normal, and hard
- ninjamuffin99 - Programming
- PhantomArcade3K and Evilsk8r - Art
- Kawai Sprite - Music
This game was made with love to Newgrounds and its community. Extra love to Tom Fulp.
- kidsfreej - Programmer/cool guy😎
- Discussions - Programmer/idiot
- TheZoroForce240 - Helped with.................................... shit
- TuckerTheTucker - Made the Cool Cinema Bars and stuff
- KadeDeveloper - Maintainer and lead programmer
- The contributors
- BulbyVR - Programmer
Join the Discord and ping @Lead Developer
- - How to compile/build the game, its like kade engine so you won't need this -discussions
- - Mod Chart Documentation