The JavaScript Encyclopedia
This project is developing The JavaScript Encyclopedia.
The goal of this project is to produce a complete encyclopedia for the JavaScript programming language. The encyclopedia will be developed in Cyc, a simple language that was inspired by Brian Reid's Scribe. Cyc is described in the preface.
The JavaScript Encyclopdia current unfinished state may be viewed at
These files are the source of the book:
encyclopedia.css The encyclopedic style book.cyc The Table of Contents a.cyc The A articles ... ... z.cyc The Z articles special.cyc The articles about special characters preface.cyc The story of the project introduction.cyc How the encyclopedia works contributors.cyc Names of people who helped overview.html An overview of the language regexp.html The appendix on regular expressions browser.html The appendix on web browsers css.html The appendix on Cascading Style Sheets cyc.js A simple Cyc processor onehtml.js Rules for outputing a single HTML file make_book.js Make a book as a single HTML file
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