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SPP: Safe Persistent Pointers for Memory Safety

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SPP - Safe Persistent Pointers

This repository containts the compiler passes and associated runtime for Safe Persistent Pointers (SPP) for Persistent Memory (PM).

Installation instructions

Initially clone the repository:

git clone

Automated project build

We rely on nix package manager to reliably build the environment for SPP.

If you do not run NixOS, you can still use the nix package manager.

SPP has 3 core components:

  1. A fork of LLVM (as a submodule) containing the SPP passes (llvm-project)
  2. The SPP runtime library (runtime)
  3. A fork of PMDK (as a submodule) containing the SPP wrappers (pmdk)

To easily build all of the above we provide the script.

Simply execute (takes some minutes):

$ ./

After this point, you can launch a nix-shell and the provided environment will contain:

  • all the required dependecies

Simply run:

$ nix-shell
nix-shell> # in this shell all build dependencies are present

Notes on

The script performs the following actions:

  1. Initializes the repository by fetching all the submodules
  2. Applies a patch to default.nix required to have the default gcc compiler to build LLVM.
  3. Builds the llvm-project inside a nix-shell based on the patched default.nix containing all the dependencies.
  4. Reverts the changes of the default.nix.
  5. Builds the SPP runtime library using the freshly compiled clang from step 3.
  6. Builds the pmdk and applies the SPP passes to its examples and benchmarks (pmembench) using the freshly compiled clang from step 3. Note that by default, it builds SPP with TAG_BITS set to 26.

Manual project build

You can also build the project manually (step by step). In the next steps, we define PROJECT_ROOT as the root directory of this repository.

  1. Initialise the submodules of the repository:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build the llvm-project:

Apply the install_depndencies.patch to temporarily use the normal gcc compiler for the LLVM, enter a nix-shell, run the build instructions for LLVM with gold plugin (Warning! High memory consumption) and exit the nix-shell:

$ git apply build_dependencies.patch
$ nix-shell
$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/llvm-project
$ git submodule update --init
$ mkdir -p build
$ mkdir -p install
$ cd build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
  -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/llvm ../llvm
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ exit
  1. Bulld the SPP runtime library:

Revert the default.nix to its original form, enter a nix-shell that wraps the compiler with the clang compiled in step 2, fetches all the dependencies and sets the appropriate environment variables, compile the runtime library and exit the nix-shell:

$ git checkout default.nix
$ nix-shell
$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/runtime
$ make clean && make
$ exit

Optional compile parameter for SPP runtime library: TAG_BITS to determine the tag size for the returned tagged pointer structure.

Important: If you use this parameter, this has to be passed to SPP PMDK building phase below (Step 4) as well as to any compiling module of your own (so that it does not mess up with the internal struct definitions).

  1. Build the SPP PMDK fork:

Revert the default.nix to its original form, enter a nix-shell that wraps the compiler with the clang compiled in step 2 and fetches all the dependencies and sets the appropriate environment variables, compile the SPP PMDK fork and exit the nix-shell:

$ git checkout default.nix
$ nix-shell
$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/pmdk
$ git checkout spp-pm_ptr_bit
$ make clean -j$(nproc)
$ make clobber -j$(nproc)
$ make -j$(nproc) TAG_BITS=xx
$ exit

Optional compile parameters for SPP PMDK:

  • SPP_OFF=1 to disable the SPP modifications and have the plain PMDK.
  • TAG_BITS=xx to determine the tag size for the returned tagged pointer structure.

Important: If you use the TAG_BITS parameter, this has to be passed to SPP runtime library building phase above (Step 3) as well as to any compiling module of your own (so that it does not mess up with the internal struct definitions).

  1. Enter in the nix-shell with all the dependencies and built projects:
$ nix-shell
nix-shell> # in this shell all build dependencies are present

The nix-shell already exports the CC, CXX, CMAKE_C_COMPILER, CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, BINUTILS_DIR, PMEM_MMAP_HINT, PMEM_IS_PMEM_FORCE environment variables.

Usage instructions

For the instructions below, we assume that you already have completed the installation steps above and you are in the environment provided by the nix-shell.

Minimal examples execution

We provide 2 sets of minimal examples.

Single source file example

In the examples/simple_example folder you can find a minimal example which can be built and run with the script as follows:

$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/examples/simple_example
$ ./

The example opens a persistent memory pool, allocates the root object and performs various accesses and copies. It uses the /dev/shm for the pool (with the PMEM_IS_PMEM_FORCE exported flag, it is handled as PM from the application). We opted for that option so that this simple example can run in systems without PM. It also includes some dummy volatile memory actions in the beginning for comparison purposes of the programming model. When you run the example, it should result in a SEGMENTATION FAULT because of the injected overflow. The example.c file has some annotated lines that should crash. Feel free to experiment with those. One of them contains a function that also triggers a PM buffer overflow in the memcpy function. The script also produces the original and transformed LLVM-IR for the simple example.c code.

Library example

In the examples/library_example folder you can find a minimal example which can be built and run with the script as follows:

$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/examples/library_example
$ ./

This examples showcases how SPP treats libraries. Especially, it highlights also one limitation of SPP when an overflow occurs in a shared library and cannot be caught. We provide the libfuncs.h and libfuncs.c source code that is built into both a shared (.so) and a static (.a) library. This library contains code that performs memory access and memory copies. We provide the driver.c code that performs similar steps with the simple_example above but instead of performing the memory ations or calling the functions in the single source, it uses the compiled libraries. Here, we also use the /dev/shm for the pool (with the PMEM_IS_PMEM_FORCE exported flag, it is handled as PM from the application). Similarly with the simple_example, we opted for that option so that this simple example can run in systems without PM. When you run the example, it should result in a SEGMENTATION FAULT because of the injected overflow for the case of the driver_static produced executable that uses the static library. The driver_shared runs normally without an error as the overflow cannot be detected because the tagged pointer is cleared when passed to the external library (clear limitation -- specified also in the paper). Note the line 60: The driver.c calls the test_memcpy function. In the case of the static library the pointer is not cleared and therefore, the overflow is detected, causing the SEGMENTATION FAULT. The driver.c file has some annotated lines that should crash. Feel free to experiment with those. The script also produces the original and transformed LLVM-IR for the driver.c code.

Functionality tests

The functionality testing suite was originally copied from SafePM and adapted to SPP needs.

General information

We provide an extensive set of tests covering multiple types of buffer overflows on PM objects. The source code of these tests is located in the tests folder. The name of each file implies the type of overflow that it performs. More information about each test can be found in the README of the respective folder.

Configuration information

These tests create the pool in actual PM in the directory /mnt/pmem0/dimitrios. To make them work on every system, you can easily replace this path with either the path where your PM is mounted or with /dev/shm. To do this for all the tests, simply run:

$ sed -i 's|/mnt/pmem0/dimitrios|/dev/shm|' ./tests/*


We provide the script that is responsible to orchestrate the execution of the tests. More precisely, the script:

  • Adapts the CMakeLists.txt of the tests subfolder to reflect the chosen optimization level.
  • Creates the build directory in the root directory of the repository.
  • Rebuilds the PMDK and places its installation file in a specified directory (Note: it uses the default TAG_BITS option which set the TAG_BITS to 26).
  • Sets the appropriate compilation flags, which are also printed upon execution.
  • Builds the functionality tests in the build directory, including their IRs (placed in build/tests). The building process of the tests is based on the CMakeLists.txt of the subfolder. Please, consult the respective README for more information.
  • Runs the tests and prints them in green/red depending if they were successful or not. To achieve this, the script defines 2 functions, should_crash and should_not_crash, that check if the execution has the expected outcome based on its output (i.e., we should have no invocation of the print_fail_flag, defined in the common.h of the tests).

To execute the tests, depending on the optimization level that you want your binaries to be compiled with, run:

$ OPT_LEVEL=1 ./
$ OPT_LEVEL=2 ./

How to easily run pmembench

In the nix-shell, you can run the pmembench with the pmembench_map.cfg (persistent indices) and pmembench_tx_spp.cfg (PM management operations):

$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/pmdk/src/benchmarks
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../nondebug ./pmembench pmembench_map.cfg
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../nondebug ./pmembench pmembench_tx_spp.cfg

Note that this execution directs the output to stdout. To store it in a file, simply redirect it to the file of your choice.

To test pmembench with the vanilla PMDK (baseline), you can compile the native PMDK with:

$ cd PROJECT_ROOT/pmdk/
$ make clobber
$ make clean
$ make -j$(nproc) SPP_OFF=1

Then run again the pmembench commands as explained above.

Note: by default, the pmembench uses the /dev/shm for the pool (with the PMEM_IS_PMEM_FORCE exported flag, it is handled as PM from the application). We opted for that option so that the pmembench can run in systems without PM. For the SPP pmembench benchmarks, we replace the path with actual PM to get the reliable measurements. Feel free to adjust the paths in pmembench_map.cfg and pmembench_tx_spp.cfg located in PROJECT_ROOT/pmdk/src/benchmarks folder of the pmdk submodule.

Benchmarks & Artifact Evaluation

We choose to use docker containers to have a reproducible environment for our benchmarks.

Docker-based environment

We provide a set of Dockerfiles and setup scripts to build the appropriate compiler images and runtime environments for all the variants with all the dependencies and project installations. More information can be found in the respective README.


To run the SPP benchmarks:

  1. You have to make sure that you have set up the appropriate images for all the variants (spp, vanilla pmdk and safepm). Instructions on how to achieve this are provided here.
  2. Visit the benchmarks subfolder and choose the benchmark that you would like to run. Inside each subfolder, there is a dedicated README with the appropriate instructions and information about the result files/data.

Artifact evaluation

We provide a detailed recipe on how to run the required benchmarks for the paper in the artifact_evaluation folder. This recipe includes instructions on how to produce the required docker images, how to run the benchmarks in the containerized environment and how to visualize the results shown in our paper.

For more information, please consult the respective README.


We also include a .zip archive where we have enclosed the sample results we used for the paper plots. It can be found here. Note that it does not contain the phoenix benchmark results, as it was added later in the paper.

Code structure


  • benchmarks: folder containing the benchmark scripts. For further detailed information, check here.

  • llvm-project: llvm fork that contains and registers the passes needed for SPP.

  • runtime: runtime library for the hook functions. For further detailed information, check here.

  • pmdk: pmdk fork that contains the modified libpmemobj that uses the enhanced PMEMoid structure and constructs the appropriate tagged pointers.

  • plots_utils: scripts used for creating the plots in the SPP paper. More information can be found in the respective README.

  • utils/docker: contains Dockerfiles and setup scripts to build the appropriate compiler images and runtime environments for all the variants with all the dependencies and project installations. More information can be found in the respective README.

  • hw_inst: source code that we used to test the performance of HW instructions for bit manipulation. More information can be found in the respective README.

Important files in the populated repository


Currently the passes produce a lot of debug messages. In order to control the debug information, someone can comment out the defined DEBUG variables in runtime/src/spp.c, llvm-project/llvm/lib/Transforms/SPP/spp.cpp and llvm-project/llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/SPPLTO.cpp.