This is a GitHub Action which can be used to generate the k8s manifest needed to deploy a specified service.
It aims to a generic generator that can generate any manifest we'll need for deployment.
- uses: dignio/generate-manifest@v3
name: Generate the Kubernetes manifest
id: generate_manifest
needs: build_and_push
# These must be specified for the action to work
app_name: prevent-demo
service_type: webservice
instance: previews
namespace: development
docker_image: <org-id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo-name>:<tag>
# To fetch secrets from AWS secrets manager, secretsmanager has to be set to true.
# In order to make it work you need the cluster_name be set to the EKS cluster name
# Example of how this works:
# external secrets services looks for "cluster/bogus-cluster/prevent-demo" for the secrets,
# then it fetches them and injects them to the container for this deployment
secretsmanager: true
cluster_name: bogus-cluster
# These are optional
replicas: 1
port: 80
container_size: medium
container_port: 80
container_command: '["curl"]'
container_args: '["-I", ""]'
# Only if your instances is running on fargate
fargate: true
Example by using it as a cronjob
- uses: dignio/generate-manifest@v3
name: Generate the Kubernetes manifest
id: generate_manifest
needs: build_and_push
# These must be specified for the action to work
app_name: prevent-demo
service_type: cronjob
instance: previews
namespace: development
docker_image: <org-id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo-name>:<tag>
# To fetch secrets from AWS secrets manager, secretsmanager has to be set to true.
# In order to make it work you need the cluster_name be set to the EKS cluster name
# Example of how this works:
# external secrets services looks for "cluster/bogus-cluster/prevent-demo" for the secrets,
# then it fetches them and injects them to the container for this deployment
secretsmanager: true
cluster_name: bogus-cluster
# These are optional
container_command: '["curl"]'
container_args: '["-I", ""]'
# Only if your instances is running on fargate
fargate: true
# the cron schedule
schedule: "0 * * * *"
The output from this action is the generated manifest. Can be accessed by other steps by using this command.
- uses: ...
manifest: ${{ steps.generate_manifest.outputs.manifest }}
npm install
This command will use nodemon and the .env file to create a manifest for you. The manifest will be printed to the terminal, and it will hot reload for continuous feedback.
npm run dev
npm run build
This action is using the fixture/prevent-api.yaml
while running the .github/workflows/test-action.yaml
to validate the output is correct