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This is a generic middleware to rate-limit HTTP requests.

NOTE 1: This library is considered finished.

NOTE 2: Major version changes are backward-incompatible. v2.0.0 streamlines the ugliness of the old API.


v1.0.0: This version maintains the old API but all the thirdparty modules are moved to their own repo.

v2.x.x: Brand-new API for the sake of code cleanup, thread safety, & auto-expiring data structures.

v3.x.x: Apparently we have been using incorrectly. See issue #48. It always limits X number per 1 second. The time duration is not changeable, so it does not make sense to pass TTL to tollbooth.

v4.x.x: Float64 for max requests per second

v5.x.x: go.mod and go.sum

v6.x.x: Replaced go-cache with because go-cache leaks goroutines.

v7.x.x: Replaced time/rate with embedded time/rate so that we can support more rate limit headers.

v8.x.x: Address RemoteIP vulnerability concern by replacing SetIPLookups with SetIPLookup, an explicit way to pick the IP address. New HTTPMiddleware function which is compatible with standard routers.

Five Minute Tutorial

package main

import (


func HelloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	w.Write([]byte("Hello, World!"))

func main() {
	// Create a request limiter per handler.
	lmt := tollbooth.NewLimiter(1, nil)

	// New in version >= 8, you must explicitly define how to pick the IP address.
		Name:           "X-Real-IP",
		IndexFromRight: 0,

	// New in version >= 8, HTTPMiddleware is a standard router compatible alternative to the previously used LimitFuncHandler.
	http.Handle("/", tollbooth.HTTPMiddleware(lmt)(http.HandlerFunc(HelloHandler)))
	// Old syntax:
	// http.Handle("/", tollbooth.LimitFuncHandler(lmt, HelloHandler))

	http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil)


  1. Rate-limit by request's remote IP, path, methods, custom headers, & basic auth usernames.

    import (
    lmt := tollbooth.NewLimiter(1, nil)
    // or create a limiter with expirable token buckets
    // This setting means:
    // create a 1 request/second limiter and
    // every token bucket in it will expire 1 hour after it was initially set.
    lmt = tollbooth.NewLimiter(1, &limiter.ExpirableOptions{DefaultExpirationTTL: time.Hour})
    // New in version >= 8, you must explicitly define how to pick the IP address.
    // If IP address cannot be found, rate limiter will not be activated.
        // The name of lookup method.
        // Possible options are: RemoteAddr, X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP, CF-Connecting-IP
        // All other headers are considered unknown and will be ignored.
        Name: "X-Real-IP",
        // The index position to pick the ip address from a comma separated list.
        // The index goes from right to left.
        // When there are multiple of the same headers,
        // we will concat them together in the order of first to last seen.
        // And then we pick the IP using this index position.
        IndexFromRight: 0,
    // In version >= 8, lmt.SetIPLookups and lmt.GetIPLookups are removed.
    // Limit only GET and POST requests.
    lmt.SetMethods([]string{"GET", "POST"})
    // Limit based on basic auth usernames.
    // You add them on-load, or later as you handle requests.
    lmt.SetBasicAuthUsers([]string{"bob", "jane", "didip", "vip"})
    // You can remove them later as well.
    // Limit request headers containing certain values.
    // You add them on-load, or later as you handle requests.
    lmt.SetHeader("X-Access-Token", []string{"abc123", "xyz098"})
    // You can remove all entries at once.
    // Or remove specific ones.
    lmt.RemoveHeaderEntries("X-Access-Token", []string{"limitless-token"})
    // By the way, the setters are chainable. Example:
    lmt.SetMethods([]string{"GET", "POST"}).
  2. Compose your own middleware by using LimitByKeys().

  3. Header entries and basic auth users can expire over time (to conserve memory).

    import "time"
    lmt := tollbooth.NewLimiter(1, nil)
    // Set a custom expiration TTL for token bucket.
    // Set a custom expiration TTL for basic auth users.
    // Set a custom expiration TTL for header entries.
  4. Upon rejection, the following HTTP response headers are available to users:

    • X-Rate-Limit-Limit The maximum request limit.

    • X-Rate-Limit-Duration The rate-limiter duration.

    • X-Rate-Limit-Request-Forwarded-For The rejected request X-Forwarded-For.

    • X-Rate-Limit-Request-Remote-Addr The rejected request RemoteAddr.

    Upon both success and rejection RateLimit headers are sent:

    • RateLimit-Limit The maximum request limit within the time window (1s).

    • RateLimit-Reset The rate-limiter time window duration in seconds (always 1s).

    • RateLimit-Remaining The remaining tokens.

  5. Customize your own message or function when limit is reached.

    lmt := tollbooth.NewLimiter(1, nil)
    // New in version >= 8, you must explicitly define how to pick the IP address.
        Name:           "X-Forwarded-For",
        IndexFromRight: 0,
    // Set a custom message.
    lmt.SetMessage("You have reached maximum request limit.")
    // Set a custom content-type.
    lmt.SetMessageContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8")
    // Set a custom function for rejection.
    lmt.SetOnLimitReached(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Println("A request was rejected") })
  6. Tollbooth does not require external storage since it uses an algorithm called Token Bucket (Go library:

Other Web Frameworks

Sometimes, other frameworks require a little bit of shim to use Tollbooth. These shims below are contributed by the community, so I make no promises on how well they work. The one I am familiar with are: Chi, Gin, and Negroni.

My other Go libraries

  • ErrStack: A small library to combine errors and also display filename and line number.

  • Stopwatch: A small library to measure latency of things. Useful if you want to report latency data to Graphite.

  • LaborUnion: A dynamic worker pool library.

  • Gomet: Simple HTTP client & server long poll library for Go. Useful for receiving live updates without needing Websocket.


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Simple middleware to rate-limit HTTP requests.







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