pman is a command-line tool to keep track of all your side projects.
I needed something to keep track of all my side projects.
go install
A cli project manager
pman [flags]
pman [command]
Available Commands:
add Adds a project directory to the index
alias Sets the alias for a project, whose name might be too big
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete Deletes a project from the index database. This does not delete the project from the filesystem
help Help about any command
i Launches pman in interactive mode
info The info command pretty prints the file present at the root of the specified project.
init Takes exactly 1 argument, a directory name, and initializes it as a project directory.
ls List all indexed projects along with their status
reset Deletes the current indexed projects, run pman init to reindex the projects
set Set the status of a project
status Get the status of a project
-h, --help help for pman
-v, --version version for pman
Use "pman [command] --help" for more information about a command.
When you run pman init .
in any directory, it will look for subdirectories that contain a or a .git folder and consider it as a project directory.
Set the status of any project using pman set <projectName>
Get the status of any project individually using pman status <projectName>
Filter the results by status while listing projects using pman ls --f <status>
Print the README contents of a project using pman info <projectName>