Easily extendible RESTful API boilerplate aiming to follow idiomatic go and best practice.
The goal of this boiler is to have a solid and structured foundation to build upon on.
Any feedback and pull requests are welcome and highly appreciated. Feel free to open issues just for comments and discussions.
The following feature set is a minimal selection of typical Web API requirements:
- Configuration using viper
- CLI features using cobra
- PostgreSQL support including migrations using bun
- Structured logging with Logrus
- Routing with chi router and middleware, following chi rest example
- JWT Authentication using lestrrat-go/jwx with example passwordless email authentication
- Request data validation using ozzo-validation
- HTML emails with go-mail
- Clone and change into this repository
- Create a postgres database and adjust environment variables in dev.env
- Run the application to see available commands:
go run main.go
- Run all migrations from database/migrate folder:
go run main.go migrate
- Run the application with command serve:
go run main.go serve
- First start the database only:
docker compose up -d postgres
- Once initialize the database by running all migrations in database/migrate folder:
docker compose run server ./main migrate
- Start the api server:
docker compose up
By default viper will look at dev.env for a config file. It contains the applications defaults if no environment variables are set otherwise.
For passwordless login following routes are available:
Path | Method | Required JSON | Header | Description |
/auth/login | POST | the email you want to login with (see below) | ||
/auth/token | POST | token | the token you received via email (or printed to stdout if smtp not set) | |
/auth/refresh | POST | Authorization: "Bearer refresh_token" | refresh JWTs | |
/auth/logout | POST | Authorizaiton: "Bearer refresh_token" | logout from this device |
Outgoing emails containing the login token will be printed to stdout if no valid email smtp settings are provided by environment variables (see dev.env). If EMAIL_SMTP_HOST is set but the host can not be reached the application will exit immediately at start.
The example api follows the patterns from the chi rest example. Besides /auth routes the API provides two main routes for /api and /admin requests, the latter requires to be logged in as administrator by providing the respective JWT in Authorization Header.
Check routes.md for a generated overview of the provided API routes.
Package auth/pwdless contains example api tests using a mocked database. Run them with: go test -v ./...
The server is configured to serve a Progressive Web App (PWA) client from ./public folder (this repo only serves an example index.html, see below for a demo PWA client to put here). In this case enabling CORS is not required, because the client is served from the same host as the api.
If you want to access the api from a client that is served from a different host, including e.g. a development live reloading server with below demo client, you must enable CORS on the server first by setting environment variable ENABLE_CORS=true on the server to allow api connections from clients served by other hosts.
A deployed version can also be found at go-base.onrender.com (takes up to 60 seconds to spin up if sleeping...)
For demonstration of the login and account management features this API serves a demo Vue.js PWA. The client's source code can be found here. Build and put it into the api's ./public folder, or use the live development server (requires ENABLE_CORS environment variable set to true).
Use one of the following bootstrapped users for login:
- admin@example.com (has access to admin panel)
- user@example.com