git pull
- Install nodejs -
- Install pnpm -
cd packages/qtili-web
cp .env.template .env # only first time, fill created file with relevant variables
pnpm install # only first time or after dependencies updates
pnpm dev
cd packages/qtili-admin
cp .env.template .env # only first time, fill created file with relevant variables
pnpm install # only first time or after dependencies updates
pnpm dev
In case you want to run local firebase emulators instead of connecting to cloud firebase project.
Install Firebase CLI - Install Java > 11 -
pnpm emulators
firebase install
- setup firebase-toolsfirebase login
- login into firebase accountfirebase deploy
- to deploy built projectfirebase deploy --only firestore:rules
firebase deploy --only hosting
firebase serve --only hosting:qtili-admin
- deploy certain appfirebase target:apply hosting qtili-admin admin-qtili-dev2
- assign hosting target to appfirebase functions:config:set service.value="value"
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
- to copy remote config to local for emulate functions locallyfirebase emulators:start --import "./tmp-imported-firestore-data" --export-on-exit --only "functions,firestore,auth,database,storage"
firebase use --add
- add projectfirebase use project_name
- add projectfirebase deploy -P project_name
- deploy projectfirebase hosting:channel:deploy preview_channel_name
- deploy preview channelfirebase functions:log
- functions log
gcloud auth login # auth
gcloud storage buckets describe gs:// --format="default(cors)" # get cors config
gcloud storage buckets update gs:// --cors-file=cors.json # set cors config
cors.json example:
"origin": ["*"],
"method": ["GET"],
"maxAgeSeconds": 3600
npx create-expo-app QTili # for now TS can be set up manually
xcrun simctl list devices
- check available simulatorsnpm run ios -- --simulator="iPhone 11"
- run in specific simulatornpm install --global expo-cli
expo install react-native-webview
pnpm dev --host
- make web build available in local network
React Native Web View - SafeAreView different colors -