Operating system used
: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Debian 5.4.0-52-genericGO Version
: go version go1.15.4 linux/amd64
This repository contains all the transcrypto-api services in a monorepo manner.
List of implemented services: * txsigner (microservice) * protocol: REST over HTTP
Incoming: * txsigner (microservice) * protocol: gRPC
Application structure:
The application structure is split for maximum re-usability, the structure is explained as following:
: Is the entrypoint package for all the applications, in a nutshell, the main package for any service that is exposed behind an interface (API, CLI,...). -
: The actual applications/business logic, each folder inside this folder represent a standalone service. -
: Contains one-off processes or cli tools that the project might depend on -
: The shared components and libraries which are used by all the systems, contains a tiny framework-like components that are being reused among all the services, e.g. logging, http transport, grpc, etc...
The application uses a Makefile
to define scripts that are commonly used on the application, like make compile
To see all the available commands, take a look at Makefile
In order to run the system(s) on your machine natively, you have to install:
- GoLang, along with GOPATH,
configurations (check the original documentation for installation tutorial). - docker
After a successful setup of the above, you should see some results when you issue the following commands:
$ go
# some results...
$ docker
# some results...
After you've ensured that the dependencies are all working fine, lets start with the installation steps.
Install the project dependencies, in order to do so, issue the following commands:
# install dependencies
$ go mod download
$ make test
The txsigner is following the 12factor-code principles (reading further about them will ease the understanding and reasoning behind the approaches and patterns used), and in order to inject the configurations to the system you're running, you need to export them as an environment variables.
Below a list of environment variables that need to be set:
export PORT=8080
export DAEMON_PRIVATE_KEY=asdasdlcx12312wqsa
You can also make use of a .env
If you would like to generate a private key for your daemon, run the following:
$ ROOT=tools make compile
$ ./build/bin/key*
This command should ouput an ed25519 private/public key pair, make sure to fill the environment variable properly.
After you have finished all the previous steps successfully, you can issue the following command to run the txsigner service under one server:
user@host:~$ go run cmd/txsigner/main.go
- Generate the key pair (look in the installation section)
$ go run tools/keys/main.go
env 8080 OmwQUAAXyKArmg9Cmt5W6u79K0SvmpAk+JXUoqr55yQufTzUhmeMoidMsg66a6PfJGrfRW85Tmab0jAGB4aJew==
Generating ed25519 Private/Public Key Pair:
Public Key: pKPMEKo7E6Ml/914t+S/3pbIow4qwoGYryEjeYA3XIk=
Private Key: iAcnxg2OfgPkuRKefX8JbjrRVUMCdx4Q4OCEE1HvKEyko8wQqjsToyX/3Xi35L/elsijDirCgZivISN5gDdciQ==
- export your environment variables like the following:
$ export PRIVATE_KEY=iAcnxg2OfgPkuRKefX8JbjrRVUMCdx4Q4OCEE1HvKEyko8wQqjsToyX/3Xi35L/elsijDirCgZivISN5gDdciQ==
- Compile the project
$ make compile
- Copy the executable name by navigating to
and copyingtxsignerhttp-$-$
$ ls ./build/bin
▶ txservicehttp-linux-amd64
- Export the app name and the tag
$ export APP_NAME=txservicehttp-linux-amd64
$ export DOCKER_TAG=1.0
- Build the docker image
$ make build-docker-image
- Run the docker image
$ make run-docker-container
- Follow GitHub flow for branching https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/
- Follow 12 factor code
- Unix philosophy
- [ ] Make use "context" for better context sharing
- [ ] Proper responses HTTP Codes
- [ ] e2e test for the service
- [ ] integration tests for the processor and http layer of the service
- [ ] Application level logging (log what method was called and how much time it took, could use open tracing for this)
- [ ] Metrics (could use prometheus)
- [ ] Proper error handling for a few functions here and there
- [ ] Build in a docker image for accurate target environment target
1- Copy .env.example
to .env
2- Generate the key pair using:
$ go run tools/keys/main.go
3- Paste the private key value in the .env
4- Run the txsigner service using:
$ go run cmd/txsigner/main.go
5- Open another terminal and start testing using
Retrieve the public key
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/public_key -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}'
Create a transaction (or transactions)
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/transaction -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "tx": ["/+BBAgM="]}
Copy the id (or IDs) in the response and pase them in the next request replacing the values in the ids array
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/signature \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"ids": ["ef90d56c-ff44-4dc2-9ab4-4c52b66cf352"]}'