This library enables you to securely interact with every Ethereum based blockchain from within your Android application.
Ethereum Android makes sure that that the whole communication to a node is end to end encrypted.
Check for the steps to secure your own node.
EthereumAndroidFactory ethereumAndroidFactory = new EthereumAndroidFactory(context);
EthereumAndroid ethereumAndroid;
try {
ethereumAndroid = ethereumAndroidFactory.create();
} catch (EthereumNotInstalledException e) {
//let the user install Ethereum
This checks if Ethereum Android is installed and that the installed application is correctly signed. If the check failed, you should give the user the possibility to install Ethereum Android.
Ethereum Android supports a subset of the Ethereum RPC API (see to let you interact with a connected Ethereum node.
WrappedRequest request = new WrappedRequest();
Have a look at the Ethereum RPC API. To check the Balance of an Ethereum Address for example, use
And set the appropriate parameters
request.setParameters(new String[]{accountAddress, "latest"});
You can choose if you want to do the call synchronously or asynchronously.
This does a synchronous call, which you should execute from within a background thread.
WrappedResponse response = ethereumAndroid.send(request);
Check if response.isSuccess()
and use response.getErrorMessage()
if not.
Make sure first that you have set a callback
Send the request and remember the messageId
int messageId = ethereumAndroid.sendAsync(request);
Wait for the response to arrive
callback.handleResponse(messageId, response);
If there was an error the callback object will receive an error instead
callback.handleError(messageId, error);
Object responseObj = response.getResponse();
The type of the responseObj depends on the sent RPC command.
For RpcCommand.eth_getBalance
the response is a hex encoded quantity, so the response type is a String
In case the response is a structured Object, the type is a Map
Hint: if you want to use your own data object you can use the Jackson Objectmapper
MyResponseData myResponseData = new ObjectMapper().convertValue(response.getResponse(), MyResponseData.class);
Ethereum Android offers an API which lets you interact with a smart contract via a plain Java interface. The complexity (RLP encoding, nonce handling) is hidden.
Contracts contracts = ethereumAndroid.contracts();
Assume a smart contract is deployed which offers a constant function called get
returning a stored String value.
This would be the ABI definition
And this would be the corresponding Java interface
interface SimpleStorage {
String get();
With ABI and the interface you can read the value
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = contracts().bind(contractAddress, CONTRACT_ABI, SimpleStorage.class);
String storedValue = simpleStorage.get();
Assume a smart contract is deployed which offers a function set
taking one String as input.
This would be the ABI definition
And this would be the corresponding Java interface
interface SimpleStorage {
PendingTransaction<Void> set(String data);
This is a write operation, so an object of type PendingTransaction
is returned.
Because the function has no outputs, its return value is defined as Void
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = contracts().bind(contractAddress, CONTRACT_ABI, SimpleStorage.class);
PendingTransaction<Void> pendingWrite = simpleStorage.set("a new value");
Every write operation needs to be signed by the user, because its costs the users Ether.
ethereumAndroid.submitTransaction(parentActivity, requestCode, pendingWrite.getUnsignedTransaction());
Check for the result
parentActivity.onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data);
In case resultCode == RESULT_OK
the result Intent will contain the transaction hash
String transaction = data.getStringExtra("transaction");
It the result was not OK the Intent will contain the error message instead
String error = data.getStringExtra("error");
The Contract API bundles several RPC API calls at once and involves network connection, so every call can fail.
You should therefore surround every interaction in a try-catch block and check for ResponseNotOKException
If an exception occurs, do the following:
- check if the device has internet access
- check if your app is connected to Ethereum Android with
In case the service connection was lost, create a new instance of ethereumAndroid
Once you are done using the API, you should close it
Check our sample application
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