note: forked from here
The MediaType represents a parsed Media Type. For use in HTTP, the first (but only the first) q
parameter will be parsed as a float.
Other parameters are available through the params
The first argument is the full media type, the second argument, if provided, is strictly a list of parameters.
The toString
method converts the object back into a Media type.
var p = new MediaType('text/html;level=1;q=0.5');
p.q === 0.5;
p.params.level === "1"
var q = new MediaType('application/json', {profile: ''});
q.type === "application/json";
q.params.profile === "";
q.q = 1;
q.toString() === 'application/json;q=1;profile=""';
Returns a new instance of MediaType.
Splits a string by a delimiter character (default: semicolon), ignoring quoted sections (default: double quote).
Splits an Accept (or similar) header into an Array of strings of content-types.
splitContentType('application/json, text/html').map(parseMedia)
Pick an ideal representation to send, given an Array of representations to choose from, and the client-preferred list as an Array.
See example.js for an example.
Accepts two MediaType instances and tests them for being a subset/superset.
If a is a superset of b (b is smaller than a), return 1. If b is a superset of a, return -1. If they are the exact same, return 0. If they are disjoint, return null.
The q-value, if any, is ignored.
mediaCmp(parseMedia('text/html'), parseMedia('text/html')) === 0
mediaCmp(parseMedia('*/*'), parseMedia('text/html')) === 1
mediaCmp(parseMedia('text/html;level=1'), parseMedia('text/html')) === -1
mediaCmp(parseMedia('application/json;profile="v1.json"'), parseMedia('application/json;profile="v2.json"')) === null