The Initializer module is an API-only module that processes the content of the configuration folder when it is found inside OpenMRS' application data directory:
. ├── modules/ ├── openmrs.war ├── ├── ... └── configuration/
The configuration folder is subdivided into domain subfolders:
├── addresshierarchy/
├── ampathforms/
├── appointmentspecialities/
├── appointmentservicedefinitions/
├── appointmentservicetypes/
├── attributetypes/
├── autogenerationoptions/
├── bahmniforms/
├── conceptclasses/
├── conceptsources/
├── concepts/
├── conceptsets/
├── datafiltermappings/
├── drugs/
├── encountertypes/
├── globalproperties/
├── htmlforms/
├── idgen/
├── jsonkeyvalues/
├── liquibase/
├── locations/
├── locationtagmaps/
├── locationtags/
├── messageproperties/
├── metadatasetmembers/
├── metadatasets/
├── metadatasharing/
├── metadatatermmappings/
├── ocl/
├── orderfrequencies/
├── ordertypes/
├── patientidentifiertypes/
├── personattributetypes/
├── privileges/
├── programs/
├── programworkflows/
├── programworkflowstates/
├── providerroles/
├── relationshiptypes/
└── roles/
Each domain-specific subfolder contains OpenMRS metadata configuration files that pertains to the domain.
- This module loads an OpenMRS configuration consisting of OpenMRS metadata.
- CSV files are the preferred format, however a number of metadata domains rely on other file formats. See the list below for details.
- Initializer processes all configuration files upon starting up.
- Initializer produces a checksum file for each processed configuration file. A file will never be processed again until its checksum has changed.
- See more info here about checksums.
- Each line of those CSV files represents an OpenMRS metadata entity to be created, edited or retired.
- Each line of those CSV files follows the WYSIWYG principle.
We suggest to go through the following before looking at the specifics for each supported domain:
This is the list of currently supported domains in their loading order:
- Liquibase Changelog (XML file)
- Localization Message Properties (.properties files)
- Generic JSON key-values (JSON files)
- Metadata Sharing Packages (ZIP files)
- Visit Types (CSV files)
- Patient Identifier Types (CSV files)
- Relationship Types (CSV files)
- Location Tags (CSV files)
- Privileges (CSV files)
- Encounter Types (CSV files)
- Encounter Roles (CSV files)
- Roles (CSV files)
- Global Properties (XML files)
- Attribute Types (CSV files)
- Provider Roles (CSV files)
- Locations (CSV files)
- Location Tag Maps (CSV files)
- Bahmni Forms (JSON Files)
- Concept Classes (CSV files)
- Concept Sources (CSV files)
- Open Concept Lab (ZIP Files)
- Concepts (CSV files)
- Concept Sets and Answers (CSV files)
- Programs (CSV files)
- Program Worklows (CSV files)
- Program Worklow States (CSV files)
- Person Attribute Types (CSV files)
- Identifier Sources (CSV files)
- Autogeneration Options (CSV files)
- Drugs (CSV files)
- Order Frequencies (CSV files)
- Order Types (CSV files)
- Bahmni Appointment Specialities (CSV files)
- Bahmni Appointment Service Definitions (CSV files)
- Bahmni Appointment Service Types (CSV files)
- Data Filter Entity-Basis Mappings (CSV files)
- Metadata Sets (CSV files)
- Metadata Set Members (CSV files)
- Metadata Term Mappings (CSV files)
- AMPATH Forms (JSON files)
- HTML Forms (XML files)
Build the master branch and install the built OMOD to your OpenMRS instance:
git clone
cd openmrs-module-initializer
mvn clean package
- OpenMRS Core 2.1.1 (required)
- HTML Form Entry 4.6.0 (compatible)
- ID Gen 4.3 (compatible)
- Metadata Sharing 1.2.2 (compatible)
- Metadata Mapping 1.3.4 (compatible)
- Bahmni Appointments 1.2-beta (compatible)
- Data Filter 1.0.0 (compatible)
- Bahmni I.e Apps 1.0.0 (compatible)
- Bahmni Core 0.93 (compatible)
- Open Concept Lab 1.3.0 (compatible)
See the Initializer Validator README page.
See the documentation on Initializer's runtime properties.
See the documentation on Initializer's runtime properties.
- On OpenMRS Talk
- Sign up, start a conversation and ping us with the mention
in your post.
- Sign up, start a conversation and ping us with the mention
- On Slack:
- Join the Initializer channel and ping us with a
- Join the Initializer channel and ping us with a
- Added configuration options for logging
- Add support for OpenMRS 2.4.0+
- Added support for a liquibase domain to support loading custom changesets.
- 'ocl' domain to support loading concepts, concept sets, and answers from OCL export files using the openmrs-module-openconceptlab
- (Enhancement) Concept name UUIDs are seeded from 1) the concept UUID and 2) the concept name information, see here. This version runs a Liquibase changeset that forces a reload of the concept domain in order to update concept names accordingly.
- Backward-compatible overhaul of the concepts domain that provides full flexibility for managing concept names.
- Bulk loading of metadata entities i18n display messages specified under
headers. - (For devs.) Introduced a pre-loading mechanism to
that allows checksums-independent loading of transient information out of the config files before the actual metadata are loaded. Each loader controls whether its pre-loader throws on error or is allowed to fail. By default pre-loaders are allowed to fail. - Added support for setting a Concept version property in the concepts domain
- Bulk creation and editing of concept set members and concept answers using CSV files in configuration/conceptsets.
- Added support enabling any Initializer runtime property value to also be specified from a system property
- Bulk creation and edition of AMPATH forms provided as JSON schema definitions in configuration/ampathforms.
- Enhancement to custom message source to support improved handling of fallback locales and overrides between core, modules, and initializer messageproperties
- Added support for remote sources and identifier pools to the idgen domain
- Enhancement to ensure predictable loading order of files within a domain if no explicit order is specified, based on alphabetical ordering of filenames
- Enhancement to the messageproperties domain to enable specifying the order in which two files in the same locale should be loaded
- 'attributetypes' domain to support Bahmni program attribute types.
- 'program' domain to support
headers. - CSV parsers to actually fill new objects marked to be retired or voided before creating them as retired/voided entities.
- Added a runtime property to define the loading startup mode for the activator OpenMRS config loading process.
- Existing attributes and location tags which are not specified in CSV headers are no longer removed.
- Bulk creation and editing of concept sources provided as CSV files in configuration/conceptsources.
- Bulk creation and editing of encounter roles using CSV files in configuration/encounterroles.
- (For devs.) Domain directory names and loading orders are implied from the base
enum. - Bulk creation and editing of relationship types provided through CSV files in configuration/relationshiptypes.
- Bulk creation and editing of provider roles using CSV files in configuration/providerroles.
- Bulk creation and editing of location tag maps using CSV files in configuration/locationtagmaps.
- (Bug fix) Locations with invalid parent references to throw an
. - (For devs.) Introduced
for a better management of the outcome ofCsvParser#process
. - Introduced safe and unsafe API modes to suit either app runtime loading or early failure loading for CI.
- (For devs.) Introduced
as part of a better streamlined loading framework. - Initialize Validator a standalone fatjar to make dry runs of OpenMRS configs.
- Nested structures of configuration files are supported.
- Added a runtime property to define an inclusion or exclusion list of domains.
- Added a runtime property to specify wildcard patterns filters for each domain.
- Added a runtime property to toggle off the generation of the checksums.
- Improved logging output with ASCII Tables for Java.
- Bulk creation and edition of ID Gen's autogeneration options provided through CSV files in configuration/autogenerationoptions.
- Support associating location tags to locations using boolean
headers. - Bulk creation and edition of location tags provided through CSV files in configuration/locationtags.
- Bulk creation and edition of Bahmni forms provided as JSON schema definitions in configuration/bahmniforms.
- Bulk creation and edition of htmlforms provided as XML schema definitions in configuration/htmlforms.
- Bulk creation and edition of Bahmni appointment service types provided through CSV files in configuration/appointmentservicetypes.
- Renaming domain:
. - Renaming domain:
- (For devs.) Support for conditional loading of domains based on the runtime availability of OpenMRS modules.
- Bulk creation and edition of programs provided through CSV files in configuration/programs.
- Bulk creation and edition of program workflows provided through CSV files in configuration/programworkflows.
- Bulk creation and edition of program workflow states provided through CSV files in configuration/programworkflowstates.
- Bulk creation and edition of privileges provided through CSV files in configuration/privileges.
- Bulk creation and edition of roles provided through CSV files in configuration/roles.
- Bulk creation and edition of metadata terms mappings provided through CSV files in configuration/metadatatermmappings.
- Bulk creation and edition of encounter types provided through CSV files in configuration/encountertypes.
- Bulk creation and edition of Bahmni appointments specialities provided through CSV files in configuration/appointmentsspecialities.
- Bulk creation and edition of Bahmni appointments services definitions provided through CSV files in configuration/appointmentsservicesdefinitions.
- Bulk access management of Data Filter entity to basis mappings provided through CSV files in configuration/datafiltermappings.
- Bulk creation and edition of attribute types provided through CSV files in configuration/attributetypes.
- Support location attributes.
- Bulk creation and edition of patient identifier types provided through CSV files in configuration/patientidentifiertypes.
- Bulk creation and edition of metadata terms mappings provided through CSV files in configuration/metadatasets.
- Bulk creation and edition of metadata terms mappings provided through CSV files in configuration/metadatasetmembers.
- Bulk creation and edition of bahmni forms provided JSON files in configuration/bahmniforms
- Support concept attributes.
- Bulk creation and edition of drugs provided through CSV files in configuration/locations.
- Loads i18n messages files from configuration/addresshierarchy and configuration/messageproperties.
- Bulk creation and edition of concepts provided through CSV files in configuration/concepts.
This covers: basic concepts, concepts with nested members or answers and concepts with multiple mappings. - Bulk creation and edition of drugs provided through CSV files in configuration/drugs.
- Overrides global properties provided through XML configuration files in configuration/globalproperties.
- Modifies (retire) or create ID Gen's identifier sources through CSV files in configuration/idgen.
- Exposes runtime key-values configuration parameters through JSON files in configuration/jsonkeyvalues.
- Bulk creation and edition of person attribute types provided through CSV files in configuration/personattributetypes.
- Imports MDS packages provided as .zip files in configuration/metadatasharing.
- Bulk creation and edition of order frequencies provided through CSV files in configuration/orderfrequencies.