Interaction redundancy was proposed to describe the conserved functional roles of microbial interactions within a community. We provided AURORA (quAntify the redUndancy in micRObial inteRactions using pArtial information decomposition) package here to quantify the interaction redundancy within a microbial community from microbial abundance data.
The package was written in Python3. Following Python packages should be installed:
- numpy 2.1.3
- pandas 2.2.3
git clone
python --ICN_ref ref_ICN.csv --abundance_file example_data/abundance_example.tsv
Parameters are shown bellow:
- --ICN_ref: The reference interaction content network file (OTU interaction x KEGG interaction).
- --abundance_file: The taxon abundance data (OTU x sample).
- --output_file: The output file (default: IR_output.txt).
- --distance_measure: The distance measures used for calculating interaction redundancy, including weighted_jaccard_distance, euclidean_distance, correlation_distance, and manhattan_distance (default: weighted_jaccard_distance).
For more information, please use python -h.
Each row in the output file represents a sample, with the first column displaying the interaction redundancy value and the second column displaying the interaction diversity value.
Ruo Han Wang