Solution of problems from ProjectEuler in Standard ML(SML). Currently there are 10 problems solution other solutions will be uploaded soon or You can upload it.
Here are the names of problems which have been solved :-
Multiples of 3 and 5 (Problem 1)
Even Fibonacci numbers (Problem 2)
Largest prime factor (Problem 3)
Largest palindrome product (Problem 4)
Smallest multiple (Problem 5)
Sum square difference (Problem 6)
10001st prime (Problem 7)
Largest product in a series (Problem 8)
Special Pythagorean triplet (Problem 9)
Summation of primes (Problem 10)
Anyone can contribute with keeping these points in minds...
Problem solution should have name format --> "Problem (Problem number).sml"
Solution should be in only standard ML language
Your solution should contain problem statement relevent to it.