My unix rc and emacs config files.
Clone the repository:
git clone
# or
git clone
Initialize submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Then install required symlinks:
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/ohmyzsh/deyuan.zsh-theme ~/.unixrc/ohmyzsh/custom/themes/deyuan.zsh-theme
Optional symlinks:
mkdir -p ~/.config
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/terminator ~/.config/terminator
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/gtk-3.0 ~/.config/gtk-3.0
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/.fonts.conf ~/.fonts.conf
# 'Xmodmap' change Caps to Ctrl in X11.
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/.Xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
# 'xprofile' set environment variables required by fcitx.
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/.xprofile ~/.xprofile
ln -sf ~/.unixrc/.config/.npmrc ~/.npmrc
There are certain packages required by emacs configs:
- w3m [required]: used as browser in emacs, install via distro's package manager.
- make, cmake, libtool [required]: used to build vterm in emacs, install via distro's package manager.
- live markdown [optional]: used to view markdown file in browser while editing.
- doctoc [optional]: used to generate markdown table of content.
List of commands:
sudo apt-get install w3m
# sudo pacman -S w3m
# brew install w3m
sudo npm install -g livedown
sudo npm install -g doctoc
Install iTerm2 and add related profiles in "~/.unixrc/.config/iterm2", then change the keyboard binding of "option" and "command".
z is a productivity tool to navigate most used directories.
Create a file ~/.z
which saves z's indexes.
touch ~/.z
To update git submodules, enter the submodule directory and pull the new changes, e.g.
cd tools/z
git checkout master
git pull
cd -
Then commit the changes and push to origin:
git commit -m "update git submodule z"
git push
In aother environment, we can pull the commit and update the submodule via:
git pull
git submodule update
Keyboard delay/rate can be set in desktop environment's 'System Settings' option; or in command line:
xset q
xset r rate 200 33