This repository contains the materials for the submission 'Introducing Information Retrieval for Biomedical Informatics Students' presented at the Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP @ NAACL 2021.
- Paper -
- Poster -
- Clone the repository
- Create a Python virtual environment or conda environment with python=3.8
- Download and unzip the fine tuned models in files clinBertFineTunedMedNLI and BertCasedFineTunedMedNLI. These are used in Notebook 3.
- Using the requirements file available here, run the following command to install all packages and dependencies in the Python environment.
Default Python install
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
If creating new Python virtual environment:
a. Install virtualenv
python -m pip install --user virtualenv
b. Create venv with <env_name>
- MacOs and Linux
python -m venv <env_name>
- Windows
py -m venv <env_name>
c. Activate venv and install requirements.txt
source <env_name>/bin/activate python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
Conda virtual environment
conda create -n <env_name> python=3.7 conda activate <env_name> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- NLTK data download with interactive installer
All data required for the NLTK code will be downloaded in the notebooks. To download rest of the NLTK data (optional), run the following in a Python shell:
>>> import nltk
Once the NLTK Downloader window opens, select 'All packages' in the Collections tab and click Download. For more information, see
- word2vec as a service
Notebook 2 uses word2vec service through a Docker container to create word embeddings. To set up -
- Clone the Github repository
- Change into the word2vec-service folder
- Run
sudo docker-compose up -d
All notebooks can be executed using Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab in the Python environment with the above setup instructions.
If gives error "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED", run the following commands in the Python shell:
import nltk
import ssl
_create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context
title = "Introducing Information Retrieval for Biomedical Informatics Students",
author = "Taneja, Sanya and
Boyce, Richard and
Reynolds, William and
Newman-Griffis, Denis",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Teaching NLP",
month = jun,
year = "2021",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "96--98",
abstract = "Introducing biomedical informatics (BMI) students to natural language processing (NLP) requires balancing technical depth with practical know-how to address application-focused needs. We developed a set of three activities introducing introductory BMI students to information retrieval with NLP, covering document representation strategies and language models from TF-IDF to BERT. These activities provide students with hands-on experience targeted towards common use cases, and introduce fundamental components of NLP workflows for a wide variety of applications.",